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But viability loses its meaning in the absence of mission.

But van Manen is wary of doing the simple thing. 冯-马能对于做简单的事情格外小心。
But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. 19但神实在听见了。他侧耳听了我祷告的声音。
But very different work goes into producing this output. 但是为了产生这个输出,所做的工作是很不一样的。
But very few had his talent. 但这并无多损他的天才。
But very few people have attained to the coolness of love. 但极少有人能达到爱的清凉。
But viability loses its meaning in the absence of mission. 但是没有了使命的存在,生存也就失去了意义。
But view state has a dark side, too: when it grows too large, it's a silent performance killer. 但是视图状态也有缺点:当它增长得过大时,它便成为一个无声的性能杀手。
But visitors may now miss out on some social life should locals take to an official punctualitydrive launched in Peru with fanfare. 但假如当地人开始遵守秘鲁政府盛大发起的「守时」运动,游客们恐怕会错失某些社交生活。
But visual cues-facal expressions, gestures, pupil dilation etc – make up a massive 55 percent of you credibility rating. 但是可以观察到的暗示--面部表情,手势,瞳孔扩大等等合起来大概占可信性的55%这一大部分。
But voice may turn out to be an interim technology. 然而语音识别可能只是个过渡技术。
But voters prefer the original to the copy. 比起复制品选民会更乐意选择原版。

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