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It's important to carefully monitor your daily caffeine intake when making Ephedra part of your supplement regimen.

It's important that your web site has a professional design and it's also important that your web site looks great so that your customers have trust and confidence in your company. 站点设计的专业性和视觉效果都十分重要,如果两者都满足,它会使你的客户对你的公司更加信任和具备信心。
It's important to balance one's budget. 平衡某人的预算是重要的。
It's important to base your fire landscaping pub-ed message on logic, not hype. 基于你对于火灾景象了解的而非夸大的信息是至关重要的。
It's important to be 100% behind the products and experience the benefits yourself before recommending them to others. 后来我们夫妇参加安利的直销商大会,当晚一位嘉宾的演讲叫我们把握这个机会。
It's important to be sincere and friendly, and at the same time keep your faith in the business, learn from the leaders and upgrade yourself. 除了坚持和努力,还要多向成功的领导人学习,提升自己的能力,才能成功。
It's important to carefully monitor your daily caffeine intake when making Ephedra part of your supplement regimen. 当使用麻黄碱作为减肥辅助摄入时,小心谨慎地监视你每日的咖啡因摄入量是非常重要的。
It's important to deepen teaching reform and improve the quality of experimental teaching. 为深化教学改革和提高实验教学质量发挥了重要作用。
It's important to distinguish fact from fiction. 把现实与虚构区分开来是很重要的.
It's important to eat a balanced diet . 吃(营养)平衡的饮食是很重要的。
It's important to enforce law. 执法是重要的。
It's important to flush the toilet. And be sure to wash your hands. 冲厕所是十分重要的。而且一定要洗手。

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