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Splenectomy and newer agents to boost platelet production are also under study in chronic ITP.

Splendid prospects present themselves before the great cause of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 中华民族的伟大复兴展现出灿烂的前景。
Splendid when online,but desolated and tiresome when offline. 相见时繁华耀眼,然后光影散尽,感到厌倦。
Splendor &good quality are its incomparable glamour. Classic arts and modern style are its abundant source. 富丽堂皇,极具质感是石材装潢无与伦比的魅力,古曲艺术和现代气息是创造石材艺术不竭的源流。
Splendor and majesty are before Him, Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. 诗96:6有尊荣和威严在他面前.有能力与华美在他圣所。
Splendour Plastic(GuangZhou)co.,ltd. is Hong Kong Splendour International Far East Co.,Ltd. branch company in Cantonese. 广州市港塑贸易有限公司是香港兴达国际远东有限公司在国内的全资附属分公司。
Splenectomy and newer agents to boost platelet production are also under study in chronic ITP. 用脾切除术和新的促血小板生成药剂来治疗慢性ITP,这些也正在研究中。
Splenic abscess is a rare and potentially life-threatening disease. 摘要脾脏脓疡是罕见且对生命具有威胁性的疾病。
Splenic artery aneurysms are now diagnosed more commonly than in the past, mainly because of increased availability of computed tomography and angiography. 摘要脾脏动脉瘤目前较过去更容易诊断,主要是因为电脑断层及血管摄影的广泛使用。
Splenic artery aneurysms are uncommon but important vascular lesions. 脾脏动脉瘤并不常见却是重要的血管病灶。
Splenic vein thrombosis (SVT) is a rare complication of pancreatic disease, like pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. 摘要脾静脉血栓是胰脏炎一种少见的并发症,它常表现有胃静脉瘤和脾肿大。
Splice donor site -- the junction between the end of an exon and the start of the downstream introns, commencing with the dinucleotide GT. 剪接提供位--位在表现子终端和下一个表现子之间的接合点,由GT核苷对起始.

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