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What stage is gender mainstreaming process at ?

What sport do waiters and waitresses excel in? 服务员最擅长什么运动?
What sport do you like best? 你最喜欢什么运动?
What sports are you good at? 你最擅长什么运动?
What sports do you like best? 你最喜欢什么运动?
What spurred her to do that? 是什么促使她那么干的?
What stage is gender mainstreaming process at ? 「性别平等主流化」的进程和现处阶段?
What stage of the lifecycle is our family in and are we likely to need more space or less in the next five years? Ten years? 回复:我的家庭正处在生命周期(生活过程)的那个阶段呢?在未来的5年或10年中我们是需要更多的空间还是更少的空间?
What stands in the way of more for-profit investment from the private sector? 是什么阻碍私营部分获得更多的以获利为目的的投资呢?
What starting salary do you expect? 你想要多少起薪?
What starting salary do you expect?A: 你想要多少起薪?
What static electricity phenomena can you find in our life? 生活中有哪些有趣的静电现象?

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