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In June 1989, a second international conference on Indo-Chinese refugees was held in Geneva and the Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA) was agreed upon.

In July, in the equipment purchase invitation for bid of the CN2 Network project, the Purchase Center of China Telecom signed for the first time with the bidding manufacturers the Agreement on Clean and Honest Bidding, stipulating the behavours of the two 7月,中国电信采购中心在CN2网络工程设备招标采购中首次与投标厂家签署招标投标廉政协议,规范了双方在招标投标活动中的行为,保证了招投标活动公平、公正、公开,维护了双方合法权益。
In July, rioting by Catholics angry over another Protestant parade wounded nearly 100 people in Belfast. 今年7月,贝尔法斯特天主教徒反对另一个新教徒游行所导致的暴力在贝尔法斯特导致将近100人受伤。
In July, short-term interest rates in Russia shot to 100 percent. 在七月份,俄罗斯的短期利率达到了100%。
In July, the inter-bank borrowing system among banks in China maintained large increase of business volume and continuous decrease of interest rates. 7月份,全国银行间同业拆借系统交易量大幅增长]利率持续下降的局面得以继续。
In July,1956, Egypt had seized the Suez Canal. 一九五六年七月,埃及占领了苏伊士运河。
In June 1989, a second international conference on Indo-Chinese refugees was held in Geneva and the Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA) was agreed upon. 1989年6月在日内瓦召开了关于印度支那难民的第二次国际会议,通过了“综合行动计划”。
In June 1996,the State Council approved to construct Shanghai SheShan National Travelling Resort(SSNTR)with a planned area of 64.08km2 including twelve hills and six towns,focusing on the core area for the first phase development with an area of 12km2. 1995年6月,国务院批准在佘山建立上海佘山国家旅游度假区,规划总面积64.08平方公里,核心区面积12平方公里,区域内包括十二座山峰和六个镇。
In June 2003, Guangxi Yinhe Group Co., Ltd. invested entirely in Nanning International Hotel, which made the resplendent Nanhu pearls coruscated out more dazzling rays of light. 2003年6月广西银河集团有限公司入主广西沃顿国际大酒店,全新活力的注入使这颗璀灿的南湖明珠焕发出更耀眼的光芒。
In June 2003, m&#111nkeypox was reported in prairie dogs and humans in the United States. 2003年6月,报道猴痘在美国的草原犬鼠和人出现。
In June 2003, the central bank had just cut its benchmark rate to a four-decade low of 1 percent to help stimulate a sluggish economy that had rebounded only weakly from the 2001 recession and terrorist attacks. 2003年6月,中央银行消减了基础利率的1%,达到了80年来的新低,从而刺激上周已有所回升的滞后经济,经济的滞后是因2001的经济衰退和恐怖分子袭击造成的。
In June 2004, based on joint policy research work in environmental policy and planning, in conjunction with many domestic organizations and research institutions, Environmental Defense co-organized the International Forum on Regional Environmental Coopera 2004年6月,美国环保协会与国内多个部门和研究机构在合作开展环保领域的政策研究基础上,在杭州召开“区域环境合作高层国际论坛”,倡议打破行政区划,开展区域环境合作。

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