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It was a lovely evening. It was nice to go out with friends and chew the fat for a while.

It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
It was a long wait, and an exasperating one at that. 那次等待不但时间长久,另外还令人恼火。
It was a long, weary journey. 那是一个漫长的,令人疲惫不堪的旅程。
It was a losing fight until conscience joined forces with fear and self-interest against it. 在良知与恐惧和自我利益共同对敌之前,文明打的是一场只输不赢的战争。
It was a love story and the boy told Jo that the author made a lot of money. 那是一个爱情故事。男孩告诉她,该名作家因此而致富。
It was a lovely evening. It was nice to go out with friends and chew the fat for a while. 那是一个美妙的傍晚。跟朋友一块出去谈会天感觉不错。
It was a lucrative racket. 这实际是一种敛财的营生。
It was a lure to all that was fundamental in her sex. 她真地成了个女人了,有了男人爱她,向她求婚了。
It was a luxuriously appointed room. 这是一个陈设豪华的房间。
It was a magical night in Istanbul but is it important to learn from what went wrong because to be 3-0 down at the break must have been mentally well as physically draining for you? 这是一个美妙的夜晚在伊斯坦布尔但是这对你来说通过0比3落后所犯得错误学到了什么?
It was a magician who played magic. 它是一个会施魔法的魔法师。

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