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Article 3 Where a QDII engages in the business of securities investment outside the territory of China, it shall entrust a commercial bank within the territory of China to take charge of asset custody, and may entrust a foreign securities service institut

Article 3 The term energy conservationas used in this Law means: enhancing management in the use of energy; adopting measures which are technologically feasible, economically rational, and, by reducing loss and waste at every stage from production through 第三条本法所称节能,是指加强用能管理,采取技术上可行、经济上合理以及环境和社会可以承受的措施,减少从能源生产到消费各个环节中的损失和浪费,更加有效、合理地利用能源。
Article 3 The term “dumping” shall refer to the entry of imported products into the market of the People's Republic of China, in the ordinary course of trade, with their export price lower than their normal value. 第三条倾销,是指在正常贸易过程中进口产品以低于其正常价值的出口价格进入中华人民共和国市场。
Article 3 The term “water resources” as referred herein shall mean utilization of artificial means or control of surface or ground waters for the purposes of flood control, tide water defense, irrigation, drainage, leaching of injurious salt, soil conserv 第3条(水利事业之定义)本法所称水利事业,谓用人为方法控驭,或利用地面水或地下水,以防洪、御潮、灌溉、排水、洗咸、保土、蓄水、放淤、给水、筑港、便利水运及发展水力。
Article 3 This Law shall apply to prevention and control of environmental noise pollution in the territory of the People's Republic of China. 第三条本法适用于中华人民共和国领域内环境噪声污染的防治。
Article 3 To import technology, companies, enterprises, institutions or individuals with no right to do technology import business with abroad shall, with a letter of commission, entrust those companies and enterprises with such rights to conclude technol 第三条没有对外技术引进经营权的公司、企业、团体或者个人引进技术时,应当委托具有对外技术引进经营权的公司、企业对外签订技术引进合同,并出具委托书。
Article 3 Where a QDII engages in the business of securities investment outside the territory of China, it shall entrust a commercial bank within the territory of China to take charge of asset custody, and may entrust a foreign securities service institut 第三条境内机构投资者开展境外证券投资业务,应当由境内商业银行负责资产托管业务,可以委托境外证券服务机构代理买卖证券。
Article 3 Wildlife resources shall be owned by the state. 第三条野生动物资源属于国家所有。
Article 3 Workers who have been afflicted with secondary or tertiary silicosis and who have left their posts for rest and treatment , may retire of their own will. 第三条患二、三期矽肺病离职休养的工人,如果本人自愿,也可以退休。
Article 3 “Writing export invoice at a lower price in terms of these measures mea while foreign trade managers are engaged in foreign trade busine , price written on the export invoice made by themselves provided to the importers is lower than the price o 第三条本办法所指的“低开出口发票”是指对外贸易经营者在对外贸易中,向进口商提供的自制出口发票的票面价值低于出口报关时所提供发票票面价值的行为。
Article 3 “Writing export invoice at a lower price in terms of these measures means while foreign trade managers are engaged in foreign trade business, price written on the export invoice made by themselves provided to the importers is lower than the pric 第三条本办法所指的“低开出口发票”是指对外贸易经营者在对外贸易中,向进口商提供的自制出口发票的票面价值低于出口报关时所提供发票票面价值的行为。
Article 3- 1 For the purposes of this Act, the term feed additivesshall mean any substance added to a feed to improve its effect, maintain its quality, promote the growth of livestock, poultry and aquatic animals, and maintain their health or serve other 第3-1条(饲料添加物之定义)本法所称饲料添加物,系指为提高饲料效用,保持饲料品质,促进家畜、家禽、水产类发育,保持其健康或其他用途,而附加使用之物。

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