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“The Amount Estimate of Different Class's Population: The Analysis of the Fifth Census Data”, Chinese Journal of Population Sciences, No. 6, 2004.

“The 7 th Spring Festival Foodstuff Fair, Nanjing China” will still be held before the peak purchase season, (Spring Festival on Feb.7). “第七届南京(全国)春节食品商品交易会”仍选择在春节前夕(2月7日春节)采购人气旺的绝佳时机举办。
“The Administration calls on Senator Warner to join us in helping Virginia state legislators understand the need for a primary safety belt use law. “政府邀请华纳参议员与我们一起帮助维吉尼亚州的立法者明白制定初步安全带使用法规的必要性。
“The Administration is working hard to help pass primary safety belt laws throughout the country, and we're seeing results. 政府正为在全国范围内通过初步安全带法规而努力,并且我们也看到了结果。
“The American people rejected an open-ended obligation to a war without end,” she said, bringing Democrats to their feet. “美国人民拒绝为一场没有重点的战争承担无法确定的责任(注4),”她的讲话又回到了民主党的立场上。
“The American people's patience is wearing thin with the vagueness,” she said, speaking to reporters as she left the White House. “美国的人民耐心无效以不明确,”她对记者们说,当她离开白宫时。
“The Amount Estimate of Different Class's Population: The Analysis of the Fifth Census Data”, Chinese Journal of Population Sciences, No. 6, 2004. “中国各阶级阶层人口数量的估计:利用第五次人口普查数据的分析”,《中国人口科学》2004年第6期。
“The Atomic Bazaar“ is an excellent introduction to this most discomfiting topic. 《原子集市》是关于这个极令人不安的话题的一本优秀的入门读物。
“The Attainment of Chinese Social Status: Class succession and intra-generational mobility”, Sociological Research, No. 4, 2004. “中国人社会地位的获得:阶级继承和代内流动”,《社会学研究》2004年第4期。
“The Best of Years of Our Lives won best picture Oscar in 1946, and was just an all-around smash hit and success and it is still a wonderful film to this day. “《黄金年代》在1946年获得了奥斯卡最佳影片,这部影片在当时大受欢迎,获得了全面的成功,至今看来它仍然是一部非常棒的影片。”
“The Blue team, my team, won. Special mention to Carlo (Cudicini), Wrighty (Shaun Wright-Phillips) and Rob Brinded (conditioning coach) for covering me at the end. “在游戏中,我所率领的蓝队最终取得了胜利。这还得感谢小库,小赖特和Brinded(切尔西的训练教练),他们的掩护做的非常出色。”
“The Castle in the Forest” is a gleeful hodgepodge of ideas, held together by this satanic conceit. 《林中城堡》是一本令人愉悦的观点大杂烩,以这种邪恶怪诞的想法拼凑在一起。

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