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Andy's power, besides his record-breaking serve and his killer forehand, is in his heart.

Andy strolls along, whistling softly, hands in both pockets. TILT DOWN to his pantleg. Concrete grit trickles out. 安迪在散步,吹着口哨,两手插兜。镜头斜下到他的裤腿处,混凝土碎末从裤管处滑出。
Andy undecided: Andy Pettitte filed for free agency this week, but the left-hander hasn't decided whether he will pitch for a 13th season or hang up his spikes. 安迪状态也不明:安迪派提本周提出自由经纪的申请,但这位左投尚未决定要为哪一队效力亦或高挂手套退休。
Andy van der Meyde shows all his pace on the right wing, playing a one-two with Cristiano Zanetti then winning a throw-in. 在右翼范德梅德向我们展示了他的速度,他与扎内蒂做了一次二过一的配合后为本方赢得一个边线球。
Andy was instrumental in writing and locating funding for many grants, especially for literacy projects. 尤其于阅读写作能力计划方面,安迪可于填写和寻找许多奖助金的资金方面有所协助。
Andy! This is not glue. 安迪!这不是胶水。
Andy's power, besides his record-breaking serve and his killer forehand, is in his heart. 安迪除了有他惊人的发球记录外,还有他善良的心。
Andy, may I use your glue? 安迪,我可以用你的胶水吗?
Andy: His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party. 安迪:因为我们忘记邀请他参加聚会,他鼻子都快气歪了。
Andy: (nervously)All right!Let's get going! 紧张慌忙地)好了,我们走吧!
Andy: Guo Jingjing and Li Ting won gold in the women's synchronized 3m springboard diving final. 安迪:郭晶晶和李婷获得了女子双人3米板跳水冠军。
Andy: I can see the moon, but I can't see New York City. 安迪:我可以看得见月亮,但我却看不见纽约城。

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