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“A fantasy that has the beauty and delicacy of the web itself.

“A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.” The presence and guidance of friends at home and abroad are wholeheartedly welcome. “海内存知已,天涯若比邻”竭诚欢迎海内外朋友莅临指导!
“A careful analysis of obtainable data”…….Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over?a glass of beer. “在可得的数据上所作的仔细分析”…….是我不小心把啤酒翻倒在实验记录上时毁掉了三页数据,所以只剩下这些数据了。
“A class should have one, and only one, reason to change. 一个类只能因为一个原因而改变。
“A conquering army on the border will not be halted by the power of eloquence” (Otto von Bismarck). “边境上打了胜仗的军队不会因为雄辩的力量而停止前进的”(奥托·冯·俾斯麦)。
“A digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers, e.g. 1021. “数字手表是用电子显示数字来表示时间的,例如1021。”
“A fantasy that has the beauty and delicacy of the web itself. “这本书本身就像一张精美的蜘蛛网,一曲美丽的幻想曲。”
“A flu pandemic could be substantially more damaging in both human and economic terms,” the ADB said. “一场流感疫情对人类和经济造成的破坏可能要大得多,”亚洲开发银行表示。
“A foreign professor who has taught at a leading Chinese business school says he is struck by how narrowly his students' horizons are bounded by their career ambitions and by their unquestioning acceptance of the established political order. 大意是:一位在中国某知名大学商学院执教的外国教授说,他的学生们职业抱负如此狭隘,这些学生对现有政治秩序的接受是如此地毫无质疑,对此这位教授深感惊讶。
“A good ad which is not run never produces sales. 没上过档的广告,做得再好,都永远无法创造销售。
“A good composition should always sound like an improvisation, and that's what Mozart did. 一部好的作品应该总是听上去像即兴创作一般,莫扎特就是这样做的。
“A hawk ,”answered Robert.“I would rather be a hawk,for no other bird reminds one so much of a bold and gallant knight. “一只隼,”罗伯特回答。“我愿做一只隼,因为其他任何鸟都不能像它那样使人想起一个勇猛而英俊的骑士。”

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