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After completion of this, we can arrange artwork to be delivered to your factory at the mainland, it saves your time and cost to deliver the large artwork &proofing to your mainland factory.

After completing the expansion or reconstruction, the operator must apply to the central competent authority for a new oil refinery operation license. 并于扩建或改建后,向中央主管机关申请换发石油炼制业经营许可执照。
After completing the whole hardware architecture, the circuit driver is developed to record and save seafloor environmental parameters in real-time mode. 在硬件架构搭建完成后,开发出相配套的电路驱动软件,实现对海底环境参数的实时记录与存储。
After completing two successful years, students receive a bronze medallion, silver after three and a gold after four years. 在成功完成两年以后,学生将获得铜牌,三年以后是银牌,四年以后是金牌。
After completion of manufacture and before delivery, the Equipment will be subject to factory inspection and tests (hereafter the FAT) to be performed at THALES Communications' factory in order to check that the Equipment complies with the technical speci 制造完成之后,在交货前,为了证明设备符合合同中要求的技术指标,设备将在泰雷兹通信公司的工厂内进行厂方检验和测试(以下称为“FAT”)。
After completion of the starting operation, engineer can drive the main engine at the speed as he desires by moving the regulating handle in the range between the min. fuel position and the max. fuel position. 在启动操作完成后,轮机员可以驱动主机到他想要的转速通过移动调节手柄在最小燃油位置和最大燃油位置之间范围内。
After completion of this, we can arrange artwork to be delivered to your factory at the mainland, it saves your time and cost to deliver the large artwork &proofing to your mainland factory. 完成后,我们还可代客人安排直接送到你们的国内厂,完全可以为阁下节省时间及不需花时将那大型的打稿再带回贵公司的国内厂。
After compound of spontaneous combustion gangue powder and fly ash, that water demand of gelled material systems is decreased than that of only mixing spontaneous combustion gangue powder and the tendency of water demand is gradually increasing with the i 自燃煤矸石粉与粉煤灰复合后,胶凝材料体系的需水性比单掺自燃煤矸石粉减小,其需水性趋势随自燃煤矸石在粉体中所占比例的增加而逐渐增大。
After computerizing the technical contribution to the growth of foreign hi-tech industry with the aid of econometrical model, it is concluded that the speed of hi-tech industry growth is high but the quality is comparably low. 借助计量经济学模型对外资高新技术产业的技术进步贡献率作了测算,得出了现阶段高新技术产业增长速度很快,但是增长质量不高的结论。
After conclusion of the proposed landfills the total area will reach 31.1 square kilometers. 填海造地后,澳门总面积将达到31.1平方公里。
After confession he feels a little better and can sleep at ease. 忏悔之后他觉得好过一点,并且能安眠了。
After configuring the user account and browse relevant parameters, users can browse the transaction records and the purchasing records in the past 30 days, including VOD, watching premium services on time, etc. 对用户的账户进行配置并浏览相关参数:浏览交易记录,可以为用户提供包括点播和收看付费业务在内的至少30天的滚动历史购买记录。

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