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Also the child did vomit after chewing on the belt .

Also the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, saying, Thou also shalt not go in thither. 37耶和华为你们的缘故也向我发怒,说,你必不得进入那地。
Also the act of turning an asset into cash or closingan investment (to liquidate an asset, an investment). 也指将资产变现或结束投资(即使资产或投资变现)。
Also the application saves the number of your last conversation, so if you recall something important only after the phone talk is over just press the callback key to continue the conversation. 程序还会保存你最后一次所联系的号码,这样当你刚挂完电话却又想起还有一些重要的东西没说,你只需要按一下回拨键,就可以继续之前的对话。
Also the article analyses the rationality, efficiency and perspectives of the functional replacement through some examples. 通过实例佐证历史街区的功能置换在城市更新中的经济性、合理性与前瞻性。
Also the best trades often crop up at the point when investors are most nervous and markets are most volatile. 同样,最景气的行业也总是在投资者们最紧张、市场最不稳定的情况下突然出现。
Also the child did vomit after chewing on the belt . 而且,孩子咀嚼安全带以后吐出来了。
Also the children of Memphis and Tahpanhes Have shaved the crown of your head. 16挪弗人和答比匿人,也剃光你的头顶。
Also the colours are token from male shades but they are more coloured and soft; bright colours mixed with dull ones to givestill more femininity. 男性意象的色彩,但色彩更加的丰富且较为柔和。亮色彩中混合了较阴暗的色彩,但依然展现女性化的感觉。
Also the company produced such extracts of plants as tea pigment and so on. 同时公司也有植物提取物的生产,如茶色素等等。
Also the cow and the bear will graze, Their young will lie down together, And the lion will eat straw like the ox. 赛11:7牛必与熊同食.牛犊必与小熊同卧.狮子必吃草与牛一样。
Also the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by harlotry, she profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire. 利21:9祭司的女儿若行淫、辱没自己、就辱没了父亲、必用火将他焚烧。

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