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Over the course of this global odyssey, Warwick signed with Concord and came up with the idea of the duets album featuring contemporary female vocalists and began reaching out to potential collaborators.

Over the course of his managerial career in the Bronx, Torre has been much more part of the solution than part of the problem. 在老爹任职于洋基的生涯中,老爹通常是问题的解决方案而非是问题来源。
Over the course of its existence since 1981, it has organized eight managed strategies for our network of limited partner investors, which today include 6 partnership fund of funds strategies, a secondary partnership fund of funds strategy, and a direct/c 美国肯柔斯德斯集团在1981年为我们的网络联合投资者组织了八项管理战略,知道现在仍然有六个联合基金中基金战略、一个二级联合基金中积极战略和一个联合投资战略。
Over the course of millions of years, the disk material gradually drains into the nascent star, goes into making planets, moons, asteroids and comets, or is blown away. 在几百万年的时间里,气盘里的物质会逐渐流入初生的恒星,或被用来制造行星、月亮、小行星与彗星,也可能被吹走。
Over the course of several days, the fibrin broke down as intended, after fulfilling its role as a temporary support for the cells. 几日过后,纤维蛋白正如期望的那样,完成其作为细胞暂时的支持底物后逐渐降解。
Over the course of the semester, we will stress strategies for effective writing and oral presentations in the humanities and social sciences. 在这学期的课程中,我们将着重于有显著成效且兼顾人文和社会学的写作及口头报告技巧。
Over the course of this global odyssey, Warwick signed with Concord and came up with the idea of the duets album featuring contemporary female vocalists and began reaching out to potential collaborators. 在全世界演出的旅程中,她与交响乐队一起演出,与当代女歌手合作,与她们一起庆祝。
Over the decades moviegoers have heard the straight version of “Lilli” in dozens of feature films and documentaries. 在此后的几十年中,观众都可以在数十部故事片和纪录片中听到“丽莉”。
Over the eons, Sargeras encountered two powerful demonic races, both of which were bent on gaining power and dominance over the physical universe. 度过了无尽的岁月之后,萨格拉斯遭遇了两支从实体世界中获得了巨大能量的强大恶魔种族。
Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner. 在头四圈里,贝德福德一直与那名德国赛跑选手并驾齐驱。
Over the five years ending Feb. 23, Disney's stock lost 23%, and its earnings have leveled off at about 60 cents a share. 到2月23日为止,过去五年中迪斯尼股票下跌了23%,而它的收益稳定在每股约60美分。
Over the following 2 weeks the patient experienced increasing xerostomia and right parotid gland enlargement. 2周以后,患者口腔干燥加重,右侧腮腺肿大。

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