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Authorization Code is required when attempting to transfer a domain between registrars.

Authorities suspect Tunstall was slain on or about Sept. 15. 警方怀疑汤斯顿大约是在9月15日遭到杀害的。
Authorities were looking for the other Accord involved in the racing incident. They had a license plate number and said it, too, was reported stolen. 当局正调查在飙车中出现的另外一辆雅阁车。他们获得了它的车牌号码,并称那也是一辆被报被盗的车。
Authorities who have been to the crash site say the plane plunged nose first into a muddy mangrove forest about 20 kilometers from the coastal city of Douala. 去过出事地点的有关官员说,飞机在跌落时机头栽进了距离海滨城市杜阿拉机场20公里的一个红树林沼泽地。
Authorities with responsibility for ethical standards for auditors should consider whether any rules could have a disproportionately adverse impact on auditor choice when compared to the benefits to auditor objectivity and independence. 当审计人员的客观性、独立性有可能受到审计选择的不良影响时,对审计人员道德标准负有责任的管理当局应该对此做出评价。
Authority required to issue the New Shares. 官方要求发行新股票。
Authorization Code is required when attempting to transfer a domain between registrars. 当域名要转移注册商时需要授权代码。
Authorize SS and perform key exchange. 批准用户端设备接入,执行密匙交换。
Authorize supplier returns and follow-up with plant personnel. Track credits upon receipt of supplier returns. 确认批准供应商退货并在公司内部跟进并得到退货的凭证。
Authorized Users realize real-time online contacts amongst Authorized Users, and take advantages of mutual sharing and supplementing of DR.AUTO LINKS resources. 在服务范围和信息沟通上实现各网络店之间即时在线联系,发挥网络资源共享与互补效应.
Authorized by QA Director, this position is responsible for plant validation system maintenance and improvement, calibration system maintenance and improvement , annual vendor audit and new vendor development audit, communicate the quality issue and follo 在QA总监的授权下,主要负责公司现有验证系统的维护和改进工作,负责公司现有校验系统的维护和改进,负责供应商的年度审核和新供应商开发的审核,和供应商沟通质量问题并跟进供应商进行质量改进.并组织内部审核工作.
Authorized by State Union of Light Industry and Beijing Press &Publishing Bureau, China and Foreign Musical Instrument Information (CFMII) was published in Mar 2003.This magazine is directed toward music manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and music ent 自网站开通以来,吸引了众多的企业和商家,通过和中国乐器信息网的合作,会员单位拓宽了客户范围,扩大了企业的国内外影响,增加了网络销售渠道。

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