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With the emergence of other specialized tools like brushes, knives began to serve as “erasers” to scratch off mistakes.

With the elaborate design and scientific site planning of professionals, bodybuilding products conformed to relevant principles such as human engineering, athletic physiology, product tectonics and esthetics are introduced into the market one after anothe 在专业人员的精心设计与科学的场地规划下,符合人体工程学、运动生理学、产品构造学、美学相关原理的健身路径产品不断投放市场。
With the elaboration of innovative and optimized solutions starting from the offering stage (engineering, simulations, balanced lining concepts) until worldwide personal on-site-service, RHI Refractories sets the pace for new dimensions in this field. 创新和优化的方案(工程设计、计算机模拟和均衡的砌筑概念)从报价阶段到遍布世界的身临现场服务,RHI奥镁正在引领该领域达到新的高度。
With the elements of national power coalescing at the tactical level of war, a loose confederation of governmental agencies at the combatant commander level is simply insufficient. 国家政权的各个要素与战争的战术级别相结合,在战斗指挥员级别建立与政府部门的松散合作是完全不够的。
With the emergence of the tide of migrant workers, researches on migrant workers are rising. 随着“民工潮”的出现,有关农民工的研究逐渐兴起。
With the emergence of a phantom electronic currency, every one of us would be affected. 电子货币这个幽灵的出现,实实在在会冲击到我们每一个人。
With the emergence of other specialized tools like brushes, knives began to serve as “erasers” to scratch off mistakes. 毛笔等专门的书写工具出现后,刀不再用于写字,而是用于刮掉人们写在竹、木简上的错字,其作用就像今天的橡皮。
With the emergence of polymorphic and metamorphic viruses, the anti-virus community is finally beginning to face this theoretical limit. 随着多态病毒和变形病毒的出现,反病毒社区终于要开始面对这个理论上的局限。
With the emphases on multiculturalism, equivalence and subjectivity in the aesthetics of postmodernism, the task of the translator faces more challenges. 当前「后现代」美学理论强调多元、对等及主体性,译者在文学作品的翻译过程中便面临了许多新的挑战及新的任务。
With the emphasis on the interrelation of their intellectual searches and the social environments they lived in, it concerns with the process of intellectual development of the two men in hopes of revealing some common features shared by many other late M 以两人思想发展历程为关注点,通过详察社会环境和他们思想探索之间的相互关系,本文试图展现出动荡不安的时代背景下,晚明知识分子所具有的一些共相。
With the empirical study on pure samples of the listed companies without their ownership transferred, the thesis uses the method of market model to detect the long-run extra stock returns of companies after their recombination of different forms. 摘要选取控制权未发生转移型的资产重组事件的上市公司为研究样本,采用市场模型法从不同资产重组方式的角度对上市公司资产重组绩效的影响进行了研究。
With the encouragement and help of a Chinese scholar Liu Ning Pinuela later compiled a book on the basis of his collection of herbal drugs and prescriptions and published it under the Supplemented Materia Medica making a remarkable contribution to the dev 这位原本以传播天主教为己任的西洋传教士万万没有想到,他因慈善之心而萌发的善举竟为中国药物学增添了新的内容。

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