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Currently the plant has 5m, 8m, 11m, 13m and 18m horizontal lathes, 5m CNC pipe threading lathe, 10m and 12m drilling and boring machine, and many other various lathes.

Currently the big Wall Street firms are trading at more than twice their book value, reflecting last year's average returns on equity of about 25%, which is higher than their cost of capital. 现如今华尔街的大公司们都以超过两倍账面价值在交易,反映了去年证券的平均利润大约有25%,高过其资本成本。
Currently the laboratory is capable of fire assay gold, base metals by AAS using various digestion methods and a 34 element suite by ICP. 实验室进行火试金法,以不同的溶样方法用原子吸收光谱仪进行贱金属分析测试,以及用等离子体直读光谱仪进行34种元素的分析测试。
Currently the national dancing education only to be constantly reformed and innovated from the aspect of education notion, teaching material construction and teaching method, then being able to fit with the requirement of the times development, and could 当代民族民间舞蹈教育只有在教育观念、教材建设、教学方法上不断改革与创新,才能适应时代发展的要求,才能有力地促进我国民族民间舞蹈教育事业的不断发展。
Currently the negotiations on trade in service and investment are accelerating. 现在,有关服务贸易和投资的商议正在加速进行。
Currently the pig breeding number of the whole vounty comes up to 600,000 and breeding of lean pig has accomplished. 目前全县生猪饲养量已达60多万口,瘦肉型猪的改良工作已全部完成。
Currently the plant has 5m, 8m, 11m, 13m and 18m horizontal lathes, 5m CNC pipe threading lathe, 10m and 12m drilling and boring machine, and many other various lathes. 目前已经拥有5米、8米、11米、13米、18米卧式车床,5米数控管螺纹车床,10米、12米钻镗床,以及其他各类机床多台。
Currently the school offers over 120 kinds of elective courses, which include nine foreign language courses, such as English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Arabic and Italian. 人大附中为学生提供的选修课多达120多门,其包括英语、日语、韩语、俄语、德语、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、意大利语等9种语言的课程。
Currently the tallest building in Europe is Frankfurt's 260-metre Commerzbank tower. 目前欧洲最高的建筑物是位于法兰克福的高260米的商业银行大厦。
Currently the transistors work on femto-liter (10-15 liter) amounts of fluid or less, roughly one one-hundredth the volume of a red blood cell. 目前这种晶体管可用在飞升(10-15公升)以下的液体,体积大约是红血球的1/100。
Currently there are 70 types of World Cup soccer commemorative coins issued by 9 host countries, including 19 types of gold coins, 40 types of silver coins, 8 types of copper-nickel coins, and 3 types of aluminum coins; there are 317 types of World Cup so 目前已有9个主办国家发行足球世界杯纪念币70款,其中金币19款、银币40款、铜镍币8款、铝币3款;有来自五大洲64个非主办国家和地区发行了足球世界杯纪念币317款,其中白金币3款、金币21款、银币216款和铜币77款,这些纪念币的发行宣传了世界足球运动,推动了足球运动的发展。
Currently there are Teflon wire extruding workshop, silicon rubber wire extruding workshop, PVC and PE electron wire extruding workshop, insulated casing tube production workshop, weaving workshop, twisted line workshop, wire processing and assembly works 目前设有铁氟龙电线押出车间、硅橡胶电线挤出车间、PVC、PE电子线押出车间、绝缘套管生产车间、编织车间、绞线车间、线束加工装配车间等、年产电线、套管可达1亿6仟800万米、配套线束800万套。

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