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After weeks of silent hostility they've at last had it out with each other.
他们经过几个星期的暗斗之後, 彼此终於谈开了.

After we have learnt what means green, we also need to be aware of what is not green. 当我们要去了解什么是绿色,我们也需要注意到什么不是“绿色”。
After we have managed to link a few controlled snow plow turns we have appetite for more. 当我们能做出一些连续的全制动转弯后﹐自然会想要尝试尝试更多的东西。
After we learnt enzymatic isolation method of YANG Hong-yuan and ZHOU Chang, we explored to develop a pressure cover glass method of observation on embryo sacs. 我们在学习了酶解法之后,摸索研究了一种观察甜菜胚囊的压片法。
After we repaid the loan, we'll have more money to expense. 在付清贷款后,我们会有更多钱花。
After we stopped the use of risperidone, the tremor became less apparent and then disappeared. 当停用理思必妥后,单侧肢体红核颤抖症状逐渐缓解。
After weeks of silent hostility they've at last had it out with each other. 他们经过几个星期的暗斗之後, 彼此终於谈开了.
After weeks of wildfires, the first tropical storm of the season is welcome news for fire crews in Florida and Georgia. 几个星期的大火以后,第一个本季度的热带风暴对于佛罗里达州和乔治亚州的救火队来说是一个受欢迎的消息。
After weld repairs, however, the overall quality and reliability of a cast valve is difficult to determine. 但是,在焊补后,铸件阀门的整体质量和可靠性就变得难于保证。
After wetting your face with pure water, squeeze out a suitable amount of this product and put on the palm, gently and evenly daub onto face and neck, massage, and then thoroughly rinse off with pure water. 先用清水湿润面部,挤出适量本品于手心,轻柔均匀涂抹于面部和颈部并进行按摩,再用清水彻底洗净。
After wetting your face with pure water, squeeze out a suitable amount of this product and put on your palm, gently and evenly daub onto face and neck, massage, and then thoroughly rinse off with pure water. 先用清水湿润面部,挤出适量本品于手心,轻柔均匀涂抹于面部和颈部并进行按摩,再用清水彻底洗净。
After what had happened he could not continue to work there. 鑑于所发生的事情,他不可能继续在那里工作下去了。

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