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The harsh dry tongue grated like sandpaper against his cheek.

The harmony of man and nature, the blend of the ancient and the iron-and-cement-made metropolis need planer and designer to endow them with spirit. 人与自然的和谐,历史与现代的交融,钢筋水泥的现代都市需要规划设计者赋予其灵魂。
The harms of sandy desertification in farming, stock raising, traffic, communication, water conservancy facilities and the health of human have been summarized in this paper, and some measures and proposal on combating sandy desertification have been put 总结了沙漠化对农牧业、交通、水利、通信以及人类健康等的危害,提出防治坝上地区沙漠化的对策建议。
The harpoon rope had to be very long, and very carefully arranged in the boat so that it would run out freely when the whale dived. 鱼叉绳必须很长,还要小心地装在船上,以备鲸鱼潜水时能方便的放出。
The harpoon struck but did not embed. 鱼叉击中了但并没有插入
The harrowing war scenes never feel like director's grandstanding, and the sentimental moments are heart-wrenching without becoming drippy. 悲惨的战争场面从不会让人觉得导演是在故意买弄,那些感伤的时刻令人感到心痛,而不是流泪。
The harsh dry tongue grated like sandpaper against his cheek. 那条粗糙的干舌头正象砂纸一样地磨擦着他的两腮。
The harsh life and cruelty of the colony was one factor that created a stubborn culture of self-reliance and individuality. 坚困而残酷的殖民地生活是形成顽强的文化中,只依赖自己以及个人主义的因素之一。
The harsh light hurt my eyes. 那耀眼的光线刺痛了我的眼睛。
The harsh weather last year was the result of turbulence in the upper atmosphers. 去年的恶劣气候是高空大气层的湍流造成的。
The harsh words we heard growing up took root. 长大过程中我们听到的刺耳的话语也扎根在我心底。
The harshness of the proceedings leaves Maureen feeling pretty down on herself so Cage asks Fish to pretend to be attracted to her. 梅丽开始觉得自己不再有吸引力,所以约翰便叫李察扮喜欢上梅丽。

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