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Otherwise, this highest level of Samadhi leads to NIRVANA, what means total Unity with logical end of individual form (end of personal soul and also death or dematerialization of the body).

Otherwise, the team would have to forfeit the match. 否则,球队将不得不放弃比赛。
Otherwise, they are a diverse bunch - white, black, Latina, Asian; teenagers, middle aged, elderly; some married, some single; some earning good money, others just scraping by. 而换种方式来看,他们则是一个多样化的群体——白人、黑人、拉丁人、亚洲人;少年、中年、老年;有一些是已婚的,有一些是未婚的;有一些薪水丰厚,有一些勉强为生。
Otherwise, they are rarely needed. 否则,这些是完全没必要的。
Otherwise, they call back within 24 hours. 否则,他们会在24小时之内予以回电。
Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God. 18免得他们教导你们学习一切可憎恶的事、就是他们向自己神所行的、以致你们得罪耶和华你们的神。
Otherwise, this highest level of Samadhi leads to NIRVANA, what means total Unity with logical end of individual form (end of personal soul and also death or dematerialization of the body). 否则,这种最高级别的三摩地会进入涅磐,意味着随着个体形态合乎逻辑的完结而来的整个统一(个人灵魂的完结,同时也是肉体的死亡或者丧失物质状态)。
Otherwise, this information is sent to, and stored on, servers. 否则,该信息将被发送并储存于服务器。
Otherwise, this paper also introduced the data warehouse and the concerned technology, and suggested the data organization, basic system structure and development steps of constructing the hydrological data warehouse in light of the actual conditions and 对数据仓库及相关技术作了简要介绍,结合水文数据实际状况和应用主题,提出了建设水文数据仓库的数据组织、基本体系结构和建设步骤等相关内容。
Otherwise, use your mother tongue! 不然就用你的母语!
Otherwise, we deal with mechanical equipments, building materials, foodstuff additives and other productions. 另外,公司在机械,建材,食品添加剂等方面亦有涉足。
Otherwise, we need your kindly confirm about the goods it was sent to Ning Bo by our company or your forwarder will be arrange a truck to our company to take goods? 我们需要你们确认如何发货,是由我们发到宁波还是你们的货代会安排卡车到我们公司来提货?

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