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Chondroma of soft parts also affects the hands, but it is usually well circumscribed and has more well developed chondroid differentiation.

Cholesterol clefts are numerous in this atheroma. 有大量的胆固醇结晶。
Cholesterol joins smoking and sunbathing as an ageing agent. 胆固醇加上吸烟和日晒可导致衰老。
Cholesterol-raising trans fat is another issue to consider. A “vegetarian” diet rich in deep-fried or high-fat foods is far from healthful. 升胆固醇转化脂肪也是需要考虑的问题。如果“素食”多为油炸食品或高脂肪食品,那样一点也不利健康。
Chomina: Tomorrow do not cry out. 明天不要喊出声。
Chomsky Corporate media is full of shit. 琼斯基:财团媒体是一堆大便。
Chondroma of soft parts also affects the hands, but it is usually well circumscribed and has more well developed chondroid differentiation. 软组织的软骨瘤也会影响手部,但是通常此瘤界限清楚,有很多发育良好的软骨样分化。
Chondrosarcoma of the mandible is uncommon, It is a malignant tumor of cartilagionous origin. 摘要软骨肉瘤是一种源自于软骨细胞的恶性肿瘤,在头颈部并不常见。
Chong Ka Toys Ltd is a Chinese toy gifts city,City of Guangdong Province tap. 创嘉玩具有限公司地处有“中国玩具礼品城”的广东省澄海市。
Chong applied to join the OPP from Macao, and returned to Canada to face initiation exams to enter the ranks. 张双勇在澳门申请加入OPP,回到加拿大后再参加考试。
Chong remembers passing his physical, written and aptitude tests with high scores. 他记得他的体能测验、笔试及性向测验都拿到高分。
Chong said the EU case -- its investigation into the dumping of the shoes as well as the adjudication process -- did not conform with anti-dumping regulations of either the EU or the World Trade Organization. 崇泉表示欧盟的该案例–它对皮鞋倾销的调查以及判决程序均不符合欧盟乃至世界贸易组织的反倾销条例。

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