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He postulated that light, rather than flowing as a continuous wave of energy, travels in packets.

He posted a bulletin on the board. 他在布告板上贴了一张公告。
He posted me a Christmas card last year. 去年他给我寄了一张圣诞卡。
He posted up his daybook before going out. 他把营业帐目登入日记帐后才走。
He posted up his daybook before going out. 他把流水帐过入总帐后才离开。
He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000. 他推断到2000年能研究出治愈该病的方法.
He postulated that light, rather than flowing as a continuous wave of energy, travels in packets. 他假设,光不是以连续的能量波,而是以波包的方式移动。
He potted at a sitting wild duck. 他射击一只栖息的野鸭。
He pounced on my offer. 他欣然接受了我的报价。
He pounded the table angrily. 他生气地猛拍桌子。
He poured a big barrel of water into his mouth. 他把一大桶水倒进自己的嘴里。
He poured his energies into the reform of the tax system. 他倾注他的精力于税制改革。

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