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Abstract: This paper analyses the determinate and indeterminate fa ctors in blasting,presents a method of dealing with indeterminate factors,and se ts up an intelligent designing system for blasting by combining fuzzy neural net work with AutoCAD.

Abstract: This paper analysed the actuilities of reusing the cooling energy in the process of separating sodium sulphate from the brine by refrigeration,and the condition of the refrigeration system.Suggesbted an idea to reuse the cooling emergy that suit 文摘:分析了冷冻提硝工艺中冷量回收利用的现状和制冷系统工况,提出了使冷量回收利用措施更加合理的思路。
Abstract: This paper analysed the kinematic properties of ball joint hi nged on the piston rod and steering drag link of a separated assistant steering m echanism, and the equations of the path and mathematical model of pressure angle were established. 文摘:分析了分置式转向助力机构的液压缸活塞杆与转向直拉杆相铰接的球头销的运动特性,建立了其轨迹方程及压力角的数学模型。
Abstract: This paper analyses principles for power frequency inductive furnace and power factor parallel compensation and three phases balance,deals with processes of power factor compensation and three phases balance for PLC automatic power inductive fur 文摘:分析了工频感应炉的工作原理、功率因数并联补偿原理和三相平衡原理.论述了PLC自动控制工频炉的功率因数补偿、三相平衡的过程.它对节省能源,缩短熔炼时间,改善电网功率因数有重要意义.
Abstract: This paper analyses the background and the course of the establishment of second board stock market, and probes into some hot spots of second board stock market such as the target, identification, standatd of the stock market, and stock circulat 文摘:本文对二板市场的设立背景、创建历程进行了分析,对二板市场的上市对象、上市认证、上市标准、股份流通和股权管理、保荐人制度、企业管治、信息披露、交易与结算若干热点问题进行了探讨。
Abstract: This paper analyses the causes resulting from the infidelity of accounting information, and puts forward some precaution measures against information infidelity. 摘要:文章分析会计信息失真的原因,提出综合防范措施。
Abstract: This paper analyses the determinate and indeterminate fa ctors in blasting,presents a method of dealing with indeterminate factors,and se ts up an intelligent designing system for blasting by combining fuzzy neural net work with AutoCAD. 文摘:对爆破对象的确定与不确定性因素进行了分析,提出了不确定性因素的描述方法,构造了智能爆破设计系统中的模糊神经网络模型,并就系统与CAD的集成进行了分析.
Abstract: This paper analyses the drawing technology of canopy, gives outthe gradual forming methods for inner — concave round part, designs rational die structure, and introduces work principle of the die, the design and parameters of the main parts. 文摘:分析了灯座的拉深工艺,提出了凹形球环部分的逐段成形方法,设计了合理的模具结构,介绍了模具的工作原理、主要工作零件的设计和参数。
Abstract: This paper analyses the factors that influence efficiency of pipeline system for sprinkler irri-gation, under condition of changing existing low pressture pipeline irrigation system into sprinkler irri-gation system. 文摘:就井灌区低压管道输水灌溉工程改造成喷灌工程后,对影响喷灌管路系统效率的因素进行了分析,给出了其管路系统效率的计算公式。
Abstract: This paper analyses the situation of land utilization in the latest a few years in Tianhe district, Guangzhou, summarizes the characteristics of land utilization, points out the problems in the course of land utilization, such as the decrease in 文摘:分析了广州市天河区近年来的土地利用情况,总结出天河区土地利用的特点,指出在土地利用过程中存在着人均用地减少,非农建设用地迅速扩展,用地结构不合理,土地污染等问题,最后从维护生态环境和土地的可持续利用出发,对天河区的土地利用保护提出了几点对策性建议。
Abstract: This paper analyses the statistical information fed back from the investigations on NIAT graduates.Constructive suggestions are made after studying of the basic situation of 1990-1999 year's graduates,which are helpful to the educational reform 文摘:本文根据南昌航空工业学院第四次毕业生跟踪调查反馈的信息,对1990—1999年十届毕业生的基本素质状况进行了分析和研究,对进一步抓好学院教育教学改革工作提出了建设性的意见。
Abstract: This paper analysis on the factor affecting the white degree of the salt product and advances the measure for increasing the white degree. 文摘:分析了影响成品盐白度的因素,提出了提高白度的具体措施。

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