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A recent Pentagon report said Chinese military exercises include launching a “first strike” attack on enemy computers, presumably to cripple America's highly networked military operations or, worse, disrupt civilian life there.

A received bill of lading is usually unacceptable to the bank or the importer as the goods may be left on the dock or in the godown for weeks or even months before actual shipment takes place. 银行或进口商一般不愿接受备运待装提单,因为货物可能被滞留于码头几周甚至几个月以后才能装运。
A recent CNN survey shows that most Americans can't handle long waits. 新近CNN调查表明美国人更忍受不了无休止的等待。
A recent IAEA briefing on their perception of the challenges to the safeguards system. 最近国际原子能总署所做的简报,关于他们所知道其安全机制系统所面临的挑战。
A recent IAEA pamphlet describing the safeguards system. 最近由原子能总署所印行描述安全机制系统的小册子。
A recent Merrill Lynch survey of wealthy women, those with three million dollars or more in investable assets, found nearly all of them work with an advisor or private money manager. 美林证券公司最近对那些用于300万以上可用于投资资产的富有女性做了一份调查,报告显示:她们中几乎所有人都与理财顾问或私人金融经理打交道。
A recent Pentagon report said Chinese military exercises include launching a “first strike” attack on enemy computers, presumably to cripple America's highly networked military operations or, worse, disrupt civilian life there. 五角大楼最近的一份报告声称,中国的军事训练包括对敌方的计算机发动“第一波突袭”,从而可能使高度网络化的美军丧失作战能力——或者更甚——干扰对方的平民生活。
A recent Treasury research paper admitted that there was no fail-safe method to estimate the correct value of a currency. 最近财政部的一份研究论文承认,在评估一种货币的正确价值时,并没有一种万无一失的方法。
A recent USA TODAY article reported that 90 million Americans are functionally illiterate. 最近《今日美国》有一篇文章报道说,有九千万美国人是半文盲。
A recent USA Today/Gallup poll found that barely one in five Republicans knew that he supported abortion choice and civil unions for gay couples. 据《今日美国》杂志/盖洛普民调显示,共和党内,了解朱利亚尼支持堕胎以及同性“民事结合”的人数,五个中的一个都不到。
A recent academic study* has shown that high-rate currencies have tended to appreciate and low-rate currencies to depreciate, the reverse of theory. 最近的一个学术论文发现高息货币有升值倾向以及低息货币具贬值倾向,正好和理论相反。
A recent application development of fluorospectrophotometric probes in the analysis of nucleic acids was reviewed. And the trend of the fluorospectrophotometric probes of nucleic acids was discussed. 摘要评述了核酸的荧光探针应用进展,并讨论了核酸荧光探针的发展趋势。

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