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As for software design, the system consists of the double closed loop of questing troughs arithmetic and down fluting depth arithmetic, in both arithmetics working in turns until all troughs of electromotor are machined.

As for recurrence, the avoidance of a too-large postoperative tympanomastoid space, the establishment of a patent epi-mesotympanic route, and the preservation of adequate middle ear mucosa should be emphasized. 而避免术后中耳乳突腔过大,使上、中鼓室交通良好,以及尽量保持完整的中耳黏膜层,则是防止鼓膜再凹陷,再度形成胆脂瘤的良方。
As for shoes think ballet flats. 至于穿鞋,可以考虑芭蕾平底鞋。
As for small diameter workpiece, martensite distribution can be obtained by immediately quenching. 对于直径较细的工件,轧后立即淬火几乎可得到全部马氏体。
As for soft power, Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo Bay, America's slowness to tackle climate change and its neglect of the Palestinians have all, rightly or wrongly, cost it dearly. 至于软实力,阿布格莱布监狱、关塔那摩基地、全球变暖问题和对巴勒斯坦的忽视,这一切,不管是直接出击或歪打正着,都对美国的软实力造成了极大的伤害。
As for soft power, France has been complaining about Coca-Cola and Hollywood for nearly a century. 谈及软实力,法国因可口可乐和好莱坞而抱怨了近百年。
As for software design, the system consists of the double closed loop of questing troughs arithmetic and down fluting depth arithmetic, in both arithmetics working in turns until all troughs of electromotor are machined. 在软件设计上,系统由找槽控制算法和下刻深度算法双闭环控制组成,槽控制算法与下刻深度算法之间相互切换直到加工完电机的所有槽。
As for study, diligence is of the essence. 说到学习,勤奋是必不可少的。
As for surviving the ordeal, he had a simple explanation: I was not allowed to die just yet, because my wings for being an angel were not quite ready. 至于为何能从这场磨难中幸存下来,他提出了一个简单的解释:「我尚未被允许死去,因为我并未准备好足以成为天使的那对翅膀。」
As for synthetic types of materials; I find they all cost about the same so I am not partial to any particular one. 对合成材料来说,因为其成本差不多,我没有特殊的喜好。
As for the Directors of Bureaux, compared to their support ratings registered two months ago, their relative rankings have remained exactly the same, although all their absolute ratings have fallen. 06局长方面,相比两个月前的支持度,他们的相对排名完全没有改变,但绝对评分就全线下跌。
As for the Directors of Bureaux, compared to two months ago, only Arthur Li's support rating registered a significant increase, all other changes are within sampling errors. 局长方面,对比两个月前,只有李国章的评分有明显升幅,其馀变化都在抽样误差範围之内。

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