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The operating latitude of Zibo Zhongtai Abradant and Abrasive Tool Co.,Ltd:abradant,abrasive tool,carborndum stick,refractory material,manufacturing the products according to the charts and samples which were provided by the consumers, jointly manufacturi

The operand is an integer. 操作数是整型的。
The operatic dialogues and monologues are recited in Beijing dialect, and some of the words are pronounced in a special fashion, unique to the opera. 京剧的台词和对白采用北京方言,有些词用京剧的特殊腔调说出来。
The operating area encompasses 10,200 square miles east of Fallon and features a 14,000-foot runway (the longest in the Navy), four bombing ranges, and an electronic warfare range. 位于法隆以东的训练场可使用面积超过10,200平方英里,有一条14,000英尺的跑道(这也是海军里最长的跑道),四个投弹区,以及一个电子战区。
The operating budget sets the target revenues and expenses and thus operating income for the period. 营业预算是对一定时期的收入、费用和利润目标进行的预计。
The operating instructions are an integral part of the equipment supply. 操作说明书作为设备供货的一个组成部份。
The operating latitude of Zibo Zhongtai Abradant and Abrasive Tool Co.,Ltd:abradant,abrasive tool,carborndum stick,refractory material,manufacturing the products according to the charts and samples which were provided by the consumers, jointly manufacturi 淄博中泰磨料磨具有限公司经营范围:磨料、磨具、碳硅棒、耐火材料、并承办来图来样加工、合作生产、合作经营等业务。
The operating of E-Government must be under law supervision, the development of E-Government relies on the insurance of information laws, the effectuation of E-Government favors the construction of constitution society. 电子政务的运行必须在法律监督之下,电子政务的发展也必须基于信息法律的保障,电子政务的实施有利于建设法制社会。
The operating pressure of oil and gas transportation pipelines is a major part in design, which will impact on the tech-economic target and it is very important to determinate it. 摘要工作压力是油气管道设计中的一个重要部分,它对管道的技术经济条件影响很大,如何确定它非常重要。
The operating principle and hardware structure of the system are analyzed. 分析了系统的工作原理和硬件结构。
The operating procedures and standards and scientific precautionary systems must be concretized and perfect to fix up electric eyes for business supervision. 防范措施首先是采取加强对会计师们的有规则的训练,然后强化内部标准,规则和管理方法及改革制度的建立。
The operating result indicates the control system that has been designed has the characteristics of high division precision, smooth operating, low noise and power loss, great reliability and the high property price rate. 运行结果表明所设计的控制系统具有细分精度高、运行平稳且噪声小、功耗低、可靠性好及性价比高等优点。

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