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Recently, aromatic saturation in distillate fractions specially in diesel fuel has received considerable attention.

Recently, a significant amount of attention has been directed toward the affinity between dyestuff and printing substrate material in ink-jet printing, the features of reactive dyes can meet this special requirement. 喷墨打印中越来越重视染料对打印材料的亲和力,活性染料在此有独特的作用。
Recently, a theory of occupation was proposed by Nelson to disarm-biguate the term occupation and consolidate the beliefs of occupational therapy. 最近,纳尔逊提出一个职能理论来廓清职能的意义,并藉以巩固职能治疗学的基本信念。
Recently, absorptive capacity has been taken as an important organizational learning mechanism in comprehending the sustainability of competitive advantage in dynamic markets, but researches almost overlook how to manage it properly through manzgement con 摘要对外部知识的吸收能力被认为是动态市场中企业的关键学习机制,然而现有文献忽视了控制方式对吸收能力影响的研究。
Recently, advances in miniaturization and microfluidics have allowed screening of up to 100,000 compounds against a target on a single chip daily, allowing previously unimaginable amounts of compounds to be screened. 最近,小型化和微流体方面的进展允许在一个芯片上每天对一个靶子筛选10万个化合物,使得从前不可想象的大量化合物筛选成为可能。
Recently, advances in postprocessing mechanisms have been studied to improve lip synchronization of head-and-shoulder video coding at a very low bit rate by using the knowledge of decoded audio in order to correct the positions of the lips of the speaker 最近,对改善在很低比特率时头肩像视频编码的唇同步问题的后处理机制的研究已经取得进展,这种机制运用解码音频的知识校正讲话者的唇位,图3.2显示了一例这类后处理过程的框图。
Recently, aromatic saturation in distillate fractions specially in diesel fuel has received considerable attention. 摘要近年来石油(尤其是柴油)馏分脱除芳烃的问题受到越来越多的重视。
Recently, at the end of Crossroads, Pt. 2, where does Kara Thrace tell Lee Adama that she has been? 最近,在“十字路口第二章”里,卡拉·瑟瑞斯告诉李·阿达玛她去过了哪里?
Recently, autoimmune associated pathogenesis was proposed and there was still no effective medication for this disease. 当前研究认为致病机转和自体免疫反应有关。
Recently, banks, led by J.P. 提供贷款通常也带来不偿还贷款的风险。
Recently, banks, led by JP.Morgan, postponed the sale of 12 million dollars in bonds for the carmaker Chrysler. 最近,摩根财团为首的银行推迟了购买汽车制造商--克莱斯勒公司的1200万美元的债券。
Recently, because of concern about the effects of insecticide on the environment, in - creased attention 15 being given to the use of biological agents for controlling the vectors of human disease . 摘要由于化学杀虫剂可能引起之副作用,包括捕食性及寄生性天敌、费洛蒙、昆虫生长调节剂等,生物防治法浙受重视;至目前止,其中较有实用价值者,当推鱼类及细菌。

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