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When the prince enters, he shall go in by way of the porch of the gate and go out by the same way.

When the chips are down I'm there as the captain of the lads and it's important that we stick together as a team of players. “当事情(冲突)发生时,我要作为队长出现在那儿,这很重要,因为我们必须一起战斗,我们是一个整体!”
When the coastguard went to check for spills and boarded the ship, they found it did not carry cement as declared, but around 35 tons of smuggled cigarettes. “当海岸警卫队登上甲板检查的时候,才发现这艘船所承载的并不是船员们宣称的水泥,而是大约35吨重的走私香烟。”
When the kids come in, they're always apprehensive about physics,says Fredrick Olness, chairman of the physics department at Southern Methodist University. 「孩子进来上课时,总是对物理学感到恐惧,」美南卫理公会大学的物理系主任费德列克.欧尼斯如此解释。
When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. 9地上的君王,素来与她行淫一同奢华的,看见烧她的烟,就必为她哭泣哀号。
When the lake water rises again, they'll return to the mass of water of the lake, unaware in which direction they'll each be swimming. “一旦湖水再次涨起的时候,它们就会回到湖里,不知道会游向何方。”
When the prince enters, he shall go in by way of the porch of the gate and go out by the same way. 结46:8王进入的时候、必由这门的廊而入、也必由此而出。
When the prisoner came on board, he noticed that my father, was much very fatigued and a very weak state of health. “那囚犯上船时注意到我的父亲很疲劳,很虚弱,那天晚上没有别的乘客。
When the time came, I did it,Cho said, who at times appeared to be taping himself inside a minivan. I had to.In other footage he was standing in front of a cinder block wall. 时机成熟时,我就行动,赵几次出现在一小型货车里说到,我别无选择,其他镜头中他都是站在一灰墙的残桓前。
When the world economy warms up again, China should be prepared to attract more foreign investment,Wu said. 吴仪还说:“当世界经济重新升温时,中国应当做好吸引更多外国投资的准备。”
When there was only one elf left, I challenged him for the kill. He denied me again, but I defeated him and killed the child. “当那里只剩下了一个精灵,我为了这个猎物向他挑战。他再次拒绝了我,但是我击败他并且杀了那个孩子。”
When there\'s thunder and lightning,Tom said,Ilike getting into Mum and Dad\'s warm bed. “电闪雷鸣的时候,”汤姆说,“我喜欢钻进爸爸妈妈温暖的被窝。”

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