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With 50 years development, Shanghai Jinling Intelligent Electric Meter belongs to the Shanghai Jinling Co., Ltd.(listed company), the key enterprise in business of china manufacturing industry and shanghai high and new technological enterprise.

With 3.6 seconds to go in the Clippers-Suns' Game 5 thriller last night in Phoenix, both scenarios were present. 在快船和太阳的第5战还剩3.6秒时,双方的情况是这样的:在第一个加时赛快要结束时,太阳落后3分,而快船则还有1次犯规才够数(罚球)。
With 31 provinces, the pension system is a maze of disparate rules. 现在的31个省,退休金体系千差万别。
With 3:55 left in the first quarter of Kobe Bryant's injury-delayed season debut, he had already taken as many shots — three — as he did in the second half of his last appearance, Game 7 of the Lakers' first-round playoff loss to Phoenix last spri 在科比因伤延迟的赛季首演中,他在第一节只打了8分5秒的时间,在这当中,他总共三次出手哦,这个数据跟他上一次在赛场上露面也就是上个春天跟太阳季候赛的第七场比赛中整个下半场的出手次数相同。
With 41 members - more than 90 percent of them Afghans - the club is now a dynamo of community and international service. 以其41名社员─90%以上为阿富汗裔─的力量,该社已经成为社区及国际服务的动力来源。
With 5-year follow up, we found normal renal function in all recipients and no histological evidence of acute or chronic rejection. 5年的随访发现,所有的受者肾功能良好,没有组织学证据提示急性或慢性的排斥反应。
With 50 years development, Shanghai Jinling Intelligent Electric Meter belongs to the Shanghai Jinling Co., Ltd.(listed company), the key enterprise in business of china manufacturing industry and shanghai high and new technological enterprise. 随着50年的发展,上海金陵智能电表有限公司现属于上海金陵股份公司(上市公司),是中国制造业的骨干企业,上海高新技术企业。
With 50 years' history, the school is a national level key secondary vocational school and the national professional skill appraisal institute and the numerical control talented person cultivating base. the school has 86 Chinese acres and floor space 50,0 武汉机电工程学校是一所具有五十年办学历史的国家级重点中等职业学校,是国家职业技能鉴定所和数控紧缺人才培养基地,学校占地86亩,建筑面积5万平方米,在校生6000余人。
With 500 tonnage traffic capacity, Zhangjing River is a golden line for water transport. 张泾河通航能力达500吨,是水上运输的“黄金要道”。
With 60 jacquard web machines of 230 repier, our annual output exceeds 120,000 meter. 拥有230剑杆大提花织机六十台,年产大提花布120万米。
With 600 years of historical and cultural vicissitude, there emerged “two Zhengs” respectively in China and in Southeast Asian area where his fleet had visited. 历经600年来的历史变迁和文化积淀,在中国和当年郑和下西洋远航船队主要经过的东南亚地区,已经形成了两个郑和。
With 606 set of standard housings,mosques, schools,and playgrounds as well, the project investiment is 13 million US dollars. 该项目投资1300万美元,建有606套标准砖混结构住房以及清真寺、学校、市场、运动场等设施。

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