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When heating temperature reached 300℃, crackings appeared on the surface of ceramic tiles but the microstructure of glaze exhibited no apparent change when heating temperature reached 900℃, the glaze melted, the crystal Structure of the tiles broke down,

When healthy, there is NOBODY else in the league who possesses the same talent as Tracy. 当他在健康的时候,在全联盟中没有任何一个人有像麦蒂一样的才干。
When heated to high temperature, they undergo calcination, releasing carbon dioxide. 高温加热时,石灰石和白云石将发生煅烧,并释放二氧化碳。
When heated, gases expand as liquids and solids do . 气体受热时,象液体和固体一样会发生膨胀。
When heated, these metal hydride powders decompose, liberating the gas. 这种金属氢化物的粉末,在受热后会分解,释放出气体来。
When heated, water changes into steam. 当水被加热时,就会变成蒸汽。
When heating temperature reached 300℃, crackings appeared on the surface of ceramic tiles but the microstructure of glaze exhibited no apparent change when heating temperature reached 900℃, the glaze melted, the crystal Structure of the tiles broke down, 当温度达到300℃,冷却试验时,釉面可产生裂纹,但显微结构基本无变化;当温度达到900℃,冷却试验时,釉面出现熔化现象,坯体晶体结构酥裂、破碎,完整性遭到破坏,强度基本丧失。
When helping your child out with something such as pouring him water to drink, do so before you help yourself to help him learn the importance of being thoughtful and generous. 倒水时可先替孩子倒,再替自己倒,然后再和孩子解释为何先替他倒水的原因,以培养孩子体贴和分享的性格。
When her English butler, Robert, asks for an increase in the housekeeping, she refuses. However, this British underdog is not one to take defeat lying down. 她的英国管家罗伯特要求增加家用金,她没同意。然而,这个碰了钉子的英国佬是不会甘心的。
When her cat died she was really hit hard by it. It affected her a lot – she was sad for weeks. 她的猫的死真的给她重重的一击。这个事情对她影响太深了,她难过了几个星期。
When her child was two hours late, she became quite demented. 她孩子晚了两个小时, 她心急如焚.
When her eyes caught his, he smiled, showing animal-white teeth below a close-clipped black moustache. 当思佳丽的目光接触到他的目光时,她微微一笑,修剪得只剩一片黑胡子根的嘴唇下面露出像动物一样的白牙齿。

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