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A replay of my encounter flashed into my now as every cell in my body suddenly knee extraterrestrials were real.

A repetition of the dialog or conversation at native speed. 第三部分包括第一部分中出现过的对话和讨论,其速度为正常语速.
A repetition of the dialog or story at a native rate of speech. 第三部分包括第一部分中的对话和故事,其阅读速度是正常对话速度.
A replaceable printed circuit board. 一种可替换的印制电路板。
A replacement for deleted matter. 替代被注销内容的东西
A replacement for the ageing Pavel Nedved may also be on the cards. 一个能代替德哥的人也许会出现在转会名单上。
A replay of my encounter flashed into my now as every cell in my body suddenly knee extraterrestrials were real. 一个关于我的遭遇的地外的真实的重放突然进入现在的身体中的每个细胞。
A replica of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry made from half a million matchsticks has been unveiled at the America's Matchstick Marvels museum. 用50万根火柴棍搭建起来的霍格沃茨魔法学校城堡模型近日在美国一个叫“火柴棍奇迹”的博物馆展出。
A report by the Department of Education estimates that the student-teacher ratio in China is four times higher than in the United States . 教育部的一份报告估计中国的学生和老师的比例比美国高四倍。
A report by the TOPS Task Force of the U.S. Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committe (NERAC). 一篇由美国核能研究顾问委员会的技术运作和生产工作小组所写的报告。
A report chock full of errors. 一篇错误百出的报告
A report directed by Beijing TV and played on state-run national broadcaster China Central Television last Thursday said an unlicensed snack vendor in eastern Beijing was selling steamed dumplings stuffed with cardboard soaked in caustic soda and seasoned 由北京电视台编辑,中央电视台上周四报道的一则新闻称在北京东部有一个不法小吃摊贩把在碱水里泡过的纸板和猪肉精混在一起包在包子里贩卖。

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