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Preference is given to manufacturing or business undertakings at the stage of development when they require initial moneyor seed money.

Preferably a graduate from University and able to understand basic English. 大专以上学历优先,有基本的英语沟通能力.
Preferably above 23 years of age. 年龄23岁以上.
Preferably formal or evening bags. 最好是正式或晚礼包。
Preferably, use instructional text to indicate required or optional fields, but asterisks also work for required fields. 最好是用提示性文字去标注必填还是可选填,但用星号也可以标注必填。
Preferably, we are seeking professionals who have experience and interest in the motor vehicle, luxury consumer goods and services categories. 如果您在汽车、奢侈消费品及服务领域有一定的经验或兴趣,我们将更加欢迎。
Preference is given to manufacturing or business undertakings at the stage of development when they require initial moneyor seed money. 当制造业和商业获得启动资金和种子资金后,我们比较善于投资他们的发展阶段。
Preference should be given to those with professional media, public relations, or marketing skills and to those who have served as a club public relations chair. 理想的委员是要有专业的媒体、公关或市场行销经验,以及曾经担任过扶轮社公关主委者。
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Preferential selection mechanism of heterogenous idioms involves language elements of voice, structure, meaning, word, color and national psychology of convention, balance, accuracy, variation and so on, which is a dynamic and multiple standards and a sta 一组通用?异体成语的优选机制涉及语音、结构、语义、文字、色彩等语言要素和通俗性、均衡性、准确性、变异性等民族心理,是动态的多元标准和静态的内在规律的协调和整合。
Preferentially provide a complete set of scattered spare parts. 优惠供应成套或拆零添补备件。

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