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Although the atmosphere in association with firework is hilarious and amazing, what is left is instantaneous and lack of message.

Although the administrators and moderators of Computer Technology Forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. 虽然计算机技术论坛的管理员和版主会阻止所有在这个论坛上令人讨厌的帖子,但我们不可能看所有的内帖子。
Although the agencies' models make it clear what rating they will give a bond on issue, it is less clear what will cause them to downgrade it later on. 尽管这些公司的运行模式在如何评级发行公司上已经有了明确的标准,但是在如何给发行公司降级这方面标准仍不明确。
Although the anthropological foundations for aesthetic experimental writing are diverse, they can be summed up as: (1) Anthropology has dual goals, first describing the diverse social and cultural systems found among human species, and then attempting to 摘要美学实验性写作的人类学依据是各异的,但可以简要地概括为:(1)人类学有一个双重目标,首先是要描述那些分布于各个人类种族中间的不同社会文化系统,然后又试图去探索令人困惑的多样性下所隐藏着的社会文化模式的规律性;(2)当代人类学美学为新美学提供了基础,它本身就是一种受文化情境制约的实验性写作。
Although the appeal filed by the patentee is still pending, how ever, the decision proposed by the Opposition Division does officially represent the current standpoint taken by the European Patent Office in this matter at this stage. 目前该案专利权人已提出上诉,于上诉决定做成之前,异议部门的决定代表著现阶段欧洲专利局官方对干细胞可专利性之立场。
Although the artificial neural networks have extremely extensive application in the geology, oil gas predictions, the structure of the neural networks not merely influences the quality of the network performance directly, and the prediction ability to rea 摘要神经网络在地质、油气储层方面有着极其广泛的应用,但是神经网络的结构不仅直接影响到网络性能的优劣,而且较大的影响了其现实应用的效果。
Although the atmosphere in association with firework is hilarious and amazing, what is left is instantaneous and lack of message. 尽管烟花营造的氛围很欢娱很神奇,而它留下的东西太短暂了,缺乏内涵。
Although the attempt appeared to be a little bit nuttyand a long shot,Duckhouse cited a study at the Rowland Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that found fish could listen to and process melodies like human beings. 虽然这样子的尝试「有点怪怪的」而且「希望渺茫」,德克郝丝举出了美国麻州剑桥罗蓝研究机构的报告,其中指出:鱼类跟人类一样,能听到而且理解旋律。
Although the authoritarian structure in Taiwan is eroding, traditional values still have a significant role in the high tech industry. 虽然,台湾社会中的常规权威主义正在逐渐解构,但是华人的常规价值观对于以知识技术为工具的科技产业仍然扮演显着积极的角色。
Although the authorities decided to include self-employed and migrant workers over the past years, it seems that this measure has not worked well. 虽然前些年当局决定把私营企业主和民工包括在内,但是这一措施的效果去不好。
Although the available content of P in the soil was above the critical level, it showed deficiency in the greenhouse experiment, probably because of the strong adsorption by the soil, and the high requirement of the sorghum plants to P from the small volu 尽管磷在土壤中的有效含量高于亏缺临界值,在温室试验中却表现出缺乏,很可能是由于土壤对磷的吸附很强,同时盆栽土壤体积小,高粱吸收磷强度大。
Although the backpackers are slowly rediscovering it, and in summer the Brits flock to the coastal resorts, Spain is still woefully overlooked by most travelers — their loss. 后来,背包客逐渐再度将其发掘出来,在夏季还有大批英国人成群结队的前往海滨的旅游胜地,但是西班牙仍然不幸的被许多游客遗漏――这是他们的损失。

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