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Depending on the character of high-effect, economization, and molecule glass, be broadly used in medicine, water dispose, chemical, electric, and food manufacture.

Depending on the SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) hardware that you have, you can attach up to 31 different SCSI hard drives. 仰赖你有的小型电脑标准介面(小型计算机系统介面)硬件,你能附加达31个不同的小型电脑标准介面硬式磁盘机。
Depending on the amount of luggage, tip $ 1 to $ 2 to the doorman who takes your bags and turns them over to a bellman. 给门卫的小费数目取决于行李的多少,为你拿行李并把它递给行李员的门卫要付给1至2美元的小费。
Depending on the analysis on the fire statistics of Beijing City from 1995 to 2004, and combining with China's fire disaster classification and grading system as well as the predecessor's research achievements, a multi-layer factor set for fire risk asses 摘要针对北京市火灾的特点,通过对北京市1995-2004年的火灾统计资料的分析,结合我国火灾分类分级及前人的研究成果,建立了北京市火灾风险的多层次评估因素集。
Depending on the array size and the technology chosen, the sector size can vary significantly and therefore there is not a standard erase sector size across the industry and even within a product family. 根据不同的工艺和技术的选择,扇区的大小差别很大,因此扇区的大小是没有标准的,每个厂家甚至每个系列产品的扇区大小都不见得一样。
Depending on the car,you will need to consider the cost of gas,insurance,maintenance,parts,and a number of other factors over the lifetime of your vehicle. 我的翻译是:根据所选汽车的不同,你需要考虑汽油费、保险费、维修费、零件费以及在你的汽车报废前遇到的其它一些问题所带来的费用。
Depending on the character of high-effect, economization, and molecule glass, be broadly used in medicine, water dispose, chemical, electric, and food manufacture. 以其高效、节能和分子级过滤等特性,广泛应用于医药、水处理、化工、电子、食品加工等领域。
Depending on the chemical added to the bacterial broth, the proteins of one gene would effectively be deactivated, disabling that gene. “The toggle switch is significant because no further modulation is necessary,” Cantor says. 藉由在细菌培养液中添加不同的化合物,将能有效抑制一个基因的蛋白质表现,进而使该基因失效。
Depending on the context, a document position either refers to the character indexed by this number, or the point between this character and its predecessor (if any). 依赖于文本内容,一个文档位置或者指向以此数字索引的字符,或者是当前字符和其前继的中间值(如果存在)。
Depending on the cost, size, and weight of book-sized notebook computers, printed books may become obsolete. 凭借书本大小的笔记本电脑在成本、大小及重量方面的优势,打印的书籍将逐步被淘汰。
Depending on the current tour resources, ocean museum, large library, five star cinemas, plants archive and ceramics museum are planned to build to form deep cultural environment. 依托现有旅游资源,拟建设海洋博物馆、大型图书馆、五星级电影院、花草档案馆、陶瓷博物馆等,形成浓厚的文化产业氛围。
Depending on the data of the new oil and gas resources survey, the subsidence history and structural evolution of North Yellow Sea basin are emphatically analyzed in this paper based on the brief discussion on the characteristics of tectonic geology of No 摘要依据最新油气资源调查资料,在简述北黄海盆地区域构造特征的基础上,重点分析了盆地的沉降史与构造演化特征。

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