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OBJECTIVE To compare two GC methods for the determination of borneol contents in Zhengzhu Mingmu eye drops.

OBI's brand awareness in China has also been steadily increasing. OBI欧倍德在中国的市场知名度也在日日攀升。
OBJECI1VE To study a convenient synthesis of Felbinac. 摘要目的探索联苯乙酸的一种新的合成方法。
OBJECT CODE:Term synonymous with machine code. 目标代码:机器代码的同义术语。
OBJECT: Focal tumors, a distinct subgroup of which is composed of brainstem gliomas, may have an indolent clinical course. 目的:局灶性肿瘤作为脑干神经胶质瘤的一个特殊亚型,可能表现出一种无痛的临床过程。
OBJECTIE: To ealuate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of daily doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg of zonisamide (ZNS) administered as adjunctie treatment in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). 目的:评估唑尼沙胺(ZNS)每日服用不同剂量(25,50以及100毫克)作为帕金森病(PD)辅助治疗的有效性,安全性以及耐受性。
OBJECTIVE To compare two GC methods for the determination of borneol contents in Zhengzhu Mingmu eye drops. 摘要目的比较两种GC法测定珍珠明目滴眼液中冰片含量的差异。
OBJECTIVE To determine the content of Rutin in buckwheat from different habitats and different organs. 摘要目的测定不同产地、不同部位荞麦中芦丁的含量。
OBJECTIVE To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for Mai luoning injection. 摘要目的建立脉络宁注射液中细菌内毒素的检查方法。
OBJECTIVE To establish detection methods of 6 kinds of crud drugs in Qiju Dihuang granules. 摘要目的建立杞菊地黄颗粒中部分药材的薄层鉴别方法。
OBJECTIVE To explore the natural resources, original places, distributions and uses in folk-medicine of Caulis Clematidis Armandii. (Chuanmutong, a universally used traditional Chinese medicine). 摘要目的考察川木通在四川的资源概况、产地、分布、民间药用等情况。
OBJECTIVE To find a new way to synthesize scopoletin. 摘要目的设计东莨菪素合成的新工艺。

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