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Amylose The water-soluble fraction of STARCH. It is an unbranched bolymer of glucose units.

Amyloid plaques are one of the characteristic structural abnormalities found in the brains of Alzheimer patients. 淀粉质色斑是在阿兹海默症患者的大脑中所发现的结构异常的特征之一。
Amyloid plaques form when a molecule called amyloid precursor protein (APP) is chopped up by two enzymes known as beta-secretase and gamma-secretase. 当一种叫淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)的分子被两种酶——分别叫作贝塔-分泌酶和伽玛-分泌酶——切断时就形成了淀粉样斑块。
Amylopectin The water-insoluble fraction of STARCHA. It is a branching polymer of glucose units. 支链淀粉:用热水溶解淀粉时,不溶解的那部分淀粉,称为支链淀粉,它具有许多分枝。
Amyloplast A plastid that synthesizes and stores starch grains. 淀粉体:一种与合成和储存淀粉粒有关的质体。
Amyloplasts are common in storage organs, e.g. the potato tuber. 普遍存在于各类储藏器官中,例如马铃薯的块茎中。
Amylose The water-soluble fraction of STARCH. It is an unbranched bolymer of glucose units. 直链淀粉:用热水溶解淀粉时,可以溶解的那部分淀粉,称为直链淀粉,它不分枝。
Amy: I'm taking along a duffel bag for bringing back anything we buy on the trip. 艾咪:我要带个帆布袋把我们旅行中的东西装回来。
Amy: We should take along some pills just in case you get airsick. 艾咪:我们应该带些药片预防时差症和晕机。
Amy: You're really going to throw out this delicious fruit? What a shame! 艾咪:你真的要丢掉这美味的水果?真可惜!
An authoritativeviewpoint as such has not only exerted much negative impact on the research of Water Margin per se, but has on the academic fate of the novel Dang Kou Zhi written in the Qing Dynasty, resulting in discrimination against the latter over a l 这种“权威”观点不仅对《水浒传》研究造成了许多负面影响,还严重殃及《荡寇志》的学术命运,使这部小说长期遭受意识形态歧视,不能接受正常的学术关怀。
An ice-breakerhelps you introduce yourself or introduce a third party ,If an icebreaker is sociable ,friendly ,and polite,it can act like a bridge to quickly shorten the distance between strangers. 一个破冰者能够帮助你作自我介绍,或者介绍第三者给大家认识.如果破冰者善于交际,待人友好有礼,那他就能充当缩短陌生人间距离的桥梁.

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