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Based on both the area formula of gear tooth and groove and their respective center multiplying formula, the force and moment expressions of both sides of side-panels could be brought out at first.

Based on barcode technology and taking depressing management cost as aim, the theory and function of an order tracking system of auto assemblage were studied, and the hardware structure and software design were discussed. 摘要研究了基于条形码技术,以降低管理成本为目标的汽车装配车间零部件订单的跟踪系统,以及该系统的原理和应具备的主要功能,给出了实现该系统的硬件结构和系统软件设计方法。
Based on benefit functions of the main parts on the market, incorporated with the analysis on the formative mechanism in the frame of principal-agent theory, this paper pointed out that the bad present situation is the inevitable result of doctor's seekin 通过对医疗市场主体得益函数的构建,并结合委托人—代理人理论对这一现象的形成机理的分析发现,我国医疗市场不良现状的形成,是医生在现有市场环境和政策体制下追求利益最大化的必然结果。
Based on big central hole design method, a space manipulator modular joint is developed, which includes many sensors, such as position sensor, torque sensor and temperature sensor. 摘要采用大中心孔设计方法成功地研制了高集成度空间机械臂模块化关节。
Based on bilinear pairings and the random Oracle model, a new identity-based dynamic group key agreement protocol for mobile networks was proposed. 基于双线性对和随机预言模型,针对移动网络提出了一个动态群组密钥协商方案。
Based on both the actual problems existing in the public signs and markings of Shanghai rail transit, and the passengers' actual demands for placename translations in terms of traffic guidance, this paper emphatically analizes and discusses the applicabil 摘要从上海城市轨道交通公示语中地名翻译所存在的实际问题以及乘客对交通导向等实际需求出发,分析、探讨了现有地名翻译的相关标准、规范和条例的适用性,以及原文地名合理的补充标识、地名翻译方法的分类、中文地名的语法结构、地名翻译典型案例的解决方案等问题。
Based on both the area formula of gear tooth and groove and their respective center multiplying formula, the force and moment expressions of both sides of side-panels could be brought out at first. 摘要由推导出的齿端和槽端面积及其圆心矩公式,首先得出轴套(侧板)内外两侧所受的力和力矩关于齿轮基本参数的函数表达式。
Based on both the cost-benefit analysis and the theory and practice of urban drainage analysis, we successfully constructed an economic evaluation framework and procedures which can be used by government agencies in deciding on the most favorable project 由于政府财政目标与其保障人民生命财产免于损失的目标常会互有冲突,因此如何在二目标间取得一个平衡,找出最有效且最适的方案,便成为政府施政时的一个主要考量。
Based on careful scrutiny, designers and engineers turned anecdotal evidence into three dimensions—now the Signature Interior on the 767, 777 and 747-400ER. 经过仔细的研究,设计师和工程师将原始的数据设计成了三种方案,即现在的767,777和747_400ER的特色内饰.
Based on casing damages inspection and evaluation standards of the tool, developed is the corresponding evaluation software on WATCH platform, which can evaluate the logging data for casing damages obtained from the tool, provide various quicklook graphs, 根据多臂井径测井套损检测评价标准,已在WATCH平台开发出相对应的评价软件,可进行2~80臂井径测井套损检测评价,给出多种直观图,满足大多数生产井套管维修和工程地质应用的需要。
Based on characteristic analysis of geophysical field, geochemical anomaly and remote sensing image reflected by the ore-controlling factors, this paper has generalized the regional geophysical, geochemical and remote-sensing information closely related t 摘要通过对控矿因素反映的地球物理场、地球化学异常及遥感影像的特徵分析,归纳出与成矿关系密切的区域物、化、遥信息,并采用数理统计方法总结了它们之间的相关关系,提出了主控因素,为进一步利用综合信息进行成矿预测提供了依据。
Based on characteristic of silk and cotton fibers, one bath pretreatment with enzyme and hydrogen peroxide, and then reactive dyeing for silk and cotton interwoven fabric were adopted. 摘要针对真丝与棉交织物中两种组分纤维的特点,通过试验对比,采用生物酶与双氧水煮漂一浴法进行前处理,再用单活性染料染色。

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