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Abstract: In view of the signal characteristics in magnetic flux leakagetesting of pipelines, signal processing methods combining software with hardware, especially the program-filtering method, were used to eliminate efficiently the noises that can not b

Abstract: In view of the difficulties of training the talent, further researches, financial guarantee in sanatoriums , this article put forward the detailed solutions: strengthen researching knowledge; cultivate the researchers; establish specific subject 文摘:本文针对疗养院科研工作中存在的人才培养难、科研深入难、财务保障难的问题,提出了解决“三难”的具体对策:①强化科研意识;②培养科研人才;③建立特色学科;④充分利用有限经费等等。
Abstract: In view of the fact that the density of existing domestic medium density fiberboard is relatively high, a study on preparing UL-MDF by increasing resin contem was made. 文摘:针对中密度纤维板存在密度偏高的问题,通过提高施胶量,降低了制品密度。
Abstract: In view of the manufacturing method of continuous micro-optical elements with grayscale mask,the critical steps such as converting from element structure to gray-scale patterms,correction of gray-scale patterns,digitalization of gray-scale patte 文摘:针对利用灰度掩模制作连续微光学元件的方法,介绍了从元件结构到灰度图形的转换,灰度图形的修正,灰度图形的数字化以及图形编码等关键步骤。
Abstract: In view of the quantity examination of weld defect by ultrasonic,on the basis of theoretical analysis and test,the cause,composition and contriling method of error of crack defect size H have been analyzed systematically,a controlling and statis 文摘:针对焊缝缺陷超声波定量检测,从理论分析与实验出发,系统分析了裂纹类缺陷自身高度尺寸H的检测误差的物理成因、组成及误差控制方法,提出了一套实用简洁并经实验证实可行的超声波检测误差控制及统计方法。
Abstract: In view of the seepage hazards existent in the homogeneous soil dam in Landong reservoir and on the basis of physical property of the media and geophysical characteristics of the study area, the authors reasonably selected such geophysical techn 文摘:针对蓝洞水库均质大坝出现散渗等病险,根据区内各介质物理性质及地球物理特征,合理选择了高密度电阻率、探地雷达、瞬态瑞雷波和自然电场4种物探方法进行综合勘查,查明病险的水源来向,为评估坝体的稳定性和加固处理设计提供依据。
Abstract: In view of the signal characteristics in magnetic flux leakagetesting of pipelines, signal processing methods combining software with hardware, especially the program-filtering method, were used to eliminate efficiently the noises that can not b 文摘:针对管道漏磁检测信号的特点,采用软硬件相结合的方法,特别是采用独特的“程序滤波”方法处理检测信号,可有效地消除常规数字滤波无法消除的干扰。
Abstract: In view with the training target and special characteristics of students from department of professional teacher,and based on many years′ experience in teaching,this paper make an inquiry into teaching methods for the course of field experimenta 文摘:针对职业技术师范生的培养目标及其特点,在多年的教学实践中对田间试验和统计方法课程的教学进行探讨,认为因材施教,突出重点,旨在应用,注重实践,是上好该门课程的关键所在。
Abstract: Incompatible element NH11 and hybrid stress element 18β were employed to analyze rock burst occurring in coal face 9108 of Sanhejian Coal Mine.Compared with the results from ANSYS,the two optimized FEMs can execute more accurate numerical simula 文摘:利用优化非协调元和杂交元分析了三河尖矿冲击矿压,并与ANSYS程序的计算结果进行了比较.认为优化有限元在冲击矿压乃至岩石材料的数值模拟中能给出更为精确的结果,也可减小大型计算中由于人力、机时所限粗分网格产生的误差.分析中,采用了广义平均应力率准则来判断冲击点位置和冲击时刻,所得结论与实际情况吻合.
Abstract: Influences of the changes of the amplitude and space frequenc y of road surface roughness on adhesion ability are simulated and analyzed by me ans of the nonlinear and time-varying tyer model made by the author. 文摘:采用作者建立的非线性时变轮胎模型,仿真分析了路面不平度幅值及路面空间频率变化对地面附着性能的影响。
Abstract: Inhibition mechanisms of sulphate reduction to methane-producing bacteria(MPB) in the process of anaerobic digestion of high-sulphate-content wastewater were described in this paper.They were described mainly by the competition between sulphate- 文摘:本文通过硫酸盐还原菌和产甲烷菌的竞争、硫化物对产甲烷菌的毒害二方面,论述了在高硫酸盐有机废水厌氧处理过程中,硫酸盐还原作用对产甲烷菌活性的抑制机理,同时,介绍了当前高硫酸盐有机废水的厌氧处理工艺。
Abstract: Inspired from the theory of clean room by clean air-condition technol ogy, a new concept for controlling the dust in fully mechanized working face was broug ht forth, and an air curtain was designed. 文摘:受民用建筑大门空气幕的启发,将“洁净空调技术”中的“洁净棚理论”,创新并应用于综采工作面的防尘工程,设计了能阻止采煤机在截煤过程中产生的呼吸性粉尘向司机处扩散的隔尘装置——风帘。

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