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Complications of chemonucleolysis include diskitis and sensitivity reactions, including an 0.5% incidence of anaphylaxis.

Complicating the discussion of this phenomenon are the semantics involved. 对该现象的讨论涉及到语义学上的问题。
Complicatio of chemonucleolysis include diskitis and se itivity reactio , including an 0.5% incidence of anaphylaxis. 化学核溶解法的并发症有椎间盘炎及过敏反应,包括0.5%的过敏休克的发生率。
Complications causing clinical morbidity occurred in 14 patients (5.1%) and ranged from postoperative ischemia to recurrent subarachnoid hemorrhage. 14名(5.1%)患者因术后并发症而死亡,死因包括术后的局部缺血、再发的蛛网膜下腔出血。
Complications from conventional and tension-free hernia repair are few and not life threatening. 无张力手术和传统手术后的并发症并不多,而且不危及生命。
Complications from epidural anesthesia are the same as those for spinal anesthesia, with the exception of headache. 除头痛外,硬膜外麻醉的并发症与脊髓麻醉相同。
Complications of chemonucleolysis include diskitis and sensitivity reactions, including an 0.5% incidence of anaphylaxis. 化学核溶解法的并发症有椎间盘炎及过敏反应,包括0.5%的过敏休克的发生率。
Complications set in, and the patient died. 病人因出现并发症而死亡。
Complications such as secondary glaucoma and complicated cataract was also noted during the course with good response after medical control. 虽在发病的一年间,卜萄膜炎有数度复发现象,并有青光眼及白内障之并发症,但经药物控制良好。
Complies with industry standards for data security, browser compatibility, and accessibility. 遵守并执行有关数据安全、浏览器兼容性,以及残疾人使用方便等方面的工业标准。
Complies with the intent of policies, procedures and agreements. 遵守政策、程序和协议内容。
Compliment 3 people every day. 每天问候3个人。

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