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They are working their way along a stream bed that rises toward a distant crest.

They are women who swear to serve God by living a life of service, obedience, prayer, owning nothing, and not marrying. 她们是一群发誓要用她们的一生去为上帝服务、服从上帝、为上帝祈祷、没有任何财产而且不能结婚的女人。
They are working around the clock to fix the problem. 他们24小时不停地工作来解决这个问题。
They are working on a substitute for the drug. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
They are working on a substitute for this medicine. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula. 他们正在努力研制尽善尽美的新颜料配方.
They are working their way along a stream bed that rises toward a distant crest. 他们沿着一条小溪的河床,爬向远处一座山峰。
They are worthless, a work of mockery; In the time of their punishment they will perish. 耶51:18都是虚无的、是迷惑人的工作.到追讨的时候、必被除灭。
They are writing on the blackboard. 他们在黑板上写字。
They are young, well-educated and full of the spirit of innovation. 他们年轻,受过良好的教育,充满创新精神。
They are your children, aren't they? 他们是你的孩子,对吧?
They are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn. 它们是您振奋精华的起点;当您似乎丧失勇气时由此鼓起勇气;似乎没有利用相信时重建信念;当信心快要失去的时候,由此产生希望。

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