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Based on the perspectives of Social Control Theory, General Strain Theory and Social Learning Theory, this quantitative study explored the effects of family, school, and peers on the deviant behavior of deaf junior high school students.

Based on the parameters of multi-robot cooperation collision is focused on the environment in some of the information known circumstances, Based on genetic algorithm robot cooperation collision, the method considered the boundary constraints, obstacle avo 本文重点讨论了在部分环境信息已知的情况下,基于遗传算法的机器人协作避碰,方法考虑了边界约束,避障要求,具有全局寻优的优点。
Based on the path-dependence of entrepreneurship and industrial cluster, we propose the suggestion for policy combination. 基于创业活动与产业集群之间这种路径依赖关系,提出了创新导向下的政策组合建议。
Based on the penetrability of powder loads, the relative parameters affecting characteristics of gun propellant for powder loads were studied. 摘要以射钉穿透能力为依据,对影响射钉弹发射药性能相关参数进行了试验研究。
Based on the perspective of modernization, the historical progress of Marxism's Chinese characterization undergoes four stages: enlighten modernization and acquire qualification, radically pull feudalism system down and primarily explore modernization way 马克思主义中国化的历史进程以现代化为视角可以划分为四个历史时期:探求现代化的启蒙、取得现代化身份的历史时期;进行社会主义改造、从根本上摧毁封建主义的制度基础、实践现代化的历史时期;误读和偏离马克思主义基本理论、现代化建设的暂时迷失时期和现代化的全方位、立体式的拓展时期。
Based on the perspectives of Behavior Finance and Information Economics, this article analyzes the general mechanism formation of insecurity in bank loans by presenting and clarifying the five aspects of subjective limitation, objective limitation, asymme 摘要以行为金融学和信息经济学的视角,分别从银行体系的主体缺陷、客体缺陷、信息不对称、金融制度、经济环境五方面分析银行信贷资产非安全性的一般生成机理。
Based on the perspectives of Social Control Theory, General Strain Theory and Social Learning Theory, this quantitative study explored the effects of family, school, and peers on the deviant behavior of deaf junior high school students. 摘要本研究主要依据社会控制理论、一般化紧张理论以及社会学习理论之观点为基础,探讨家庭、学校及同侪因素与国中听觉障碍学生偏差行为之关联性。
Based on the pertinent iterature, the calculation methods of effective rainfall in growing period on dry crop was analysed and summarized in this paper, which combines with research situation of calculation methods of effective rainfall. 摘要在查阅国内外相关文献的基础上,对目前有效降水量的研究方法进行了简要的评述,并结合现有有效降水量计算模式,对它们的适应性和计算结果的可靠性进行了对比分析。
Based on the phenomenon of low efficiency and waste which is caused by the traditional construction project many main implementation parts on the management system the organization separates, the information isolated islandand so on, this article starts f 文中基于传统建设项目多个实施主体在管理系统上“组织分隔”、“信息孤岛”等引起的效率低下与浪费现象,从集成管理系统再造等基本要求出发,重点分析了霍尔系统工程“三维结构体系”,在对逻辑维、时间维、知识维三维体系进行解剖式分析与理念集成的基础上,提出了建设项目集成管理组织集成、过程集成、信息方法集成三维结构体系,并构建了建设项目集成管理新系统。
Based on the philosophy of Quality and Integrity, we will sincerely serve and cooperate with our customers in and out of China to foster a great future. 本着“质量、诚信”的宗旨,我们热忱为国内外客户服务,通力合作,共创美好未来!
Based on the physiological characteristics and the nutritional requirements of marine fish, the feeds are formulated with high quality feedstuffs and additives and processed by advanced extrusion processing technology. 根据饲养动物的生理学特点及生长的需要,采用优质原料,经过科学配方用先进膨化挤压工艺加工而成。
Based on the pilot studies on the evaluation index system and the method of sustainable development on Loess Plateau,this paper has designed the structure frame of the index system including three types of index including one advanced comprehensive index- 通过对黄土高原可持续发展评价指标体系和方法的初步研究,设计出了包括1个高级综合指标--可持续发展综合指数、人口状况等5个基本指标和人口自然增长率等30个元素指标的层次性指标体系结构框架,熵技术支持下确定可持续发展指标权重的层次分析法,以及由递阶多层次综合评价、主成份分析和回归分析等数学方法所集成的可持续发展全面综合评价模型,并以陕北黄土高原为例进行了具体的应用分析与评价。

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