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For the first time, this model is equipped with a DSP and optical output terminal as well as a sound quality adjustment function on the LCD panel.

For the first time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above the peak it reached just before the 1929 crash. 1954年,道琼斯工业股票在达到1929年崩溃的最高点之前史上第一次关闭。
For the first time, the census forms will allow people to check off as many races as apply. 这次的情形就不同了,人们第一次可以在调查表中填上其所有种族归属。
For the first time, the inclusion of personal experience. 当前学术领域中,个人经验的展现已获得认同。
For the first time, the whole model is used for an inductively coupled nitrogen plasma at low pressure. 文中借鉴了近二十年来通过一系列实验测量和模型研究建立的适用于较高气压直流放电条件下的氮等离子体动力学模型。
For the first time, this drama use the history art to trace the difficult experience when chinese was turning over the emperor system and heading to republic, this drama is tracing his history of the 80 years before the China Communist Party has been set 本剧是中国影视作品第一次以史诗般的艺术笔触全景式地呈现了中华民族推翻帝制、走向共和这一波澜壮阔的艰难历程,气势恢弘地再现了甲午海战、戊戍变法、庚子国变、立宪新政、辛亥革命、隆裕退位、缔造共和等重大历史事件,精心刻画了封建统治者丧权辱国、社会战乱不断、国家积弱积贫、人民饥寒交迫等血笨祖漫}辱历史卷轴;浓墨重彩地勾勒了晚清封建统治的腐朽以及无数民族精英、仁人志士前赴后继寻找救国救民出路的斗争和探索历程。
For the first time, this model is equipped with a DSP and optical output terminal as well as a sound quality adjustment function on the LCD panel. 第一次整合了DSP和光纤输出终端,并且还配备了一个能够显示频响的LCD,并且可以进行频响调节.
For the first time, viewers will see predatory strategy in the same way as a military operation. 人类将首次目睹动物的猎食策略与人类是何其相似。
For the first time, we could see the tears on a soldier's face, hear the shattering of glass as bombs fell thousands of miles away. 我们第一次看到流在战士脸上的泪水,并听见炸弹在几千哩以外落下时玻璃的碎裂声。
For the first time, we experienced defeat. 第一次,我们经历失败。
For the first time, the sadness in his eyes had meaning. 第一次,他眼里的悲伤显露出了含义。
For the first week, whenever I looked out on the pond it impressed me like a tarn high up on the side of a mountain, its bottom far above the surface of other lakes, and, as the sun arose, I saw it throwing off its nightly clothing of mist,and here and th 在第一个星期内,无论什么时候我凝望着湖水,湖给我的印象都好像山里的一泓龙潭,高高在山的一边,它的底还比别的湖沼的水平面高了不少,以至日出的时候,我看到它脱去了夜晚的雾衣,它轻柔的粼波,或它波平如镜的湖面,都渐渐地在这里那里呈现了,这时的雾,像幽灵偷偷地从每一个方向,退隐入森林中,又好像是一个夜间的秘密宗教集会散会了一样。

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