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A kind of smart water level detection system is designed by adopting the design plan of smart water level sensor and transmitter composed ADμC812 MCU.

A kind of potassium fertilizer based lignin was made from modified lignin and potassium chloride, leaching experiment and pot experiment were conducted to test the effect of modified lignin on slow-releasing potassium fertilizer and the Bio-utilization. 摘要利用木质素改性産物作爲肥料添加剂,与氯化钾复混制成木质素钾肥,通过土柱淋溶与盆栽试验,验证木质素对钾肥的缓释作用与作物对钾肥利用情况。
A kind of probability sample in which a set interval is applied to a list often population to identity elements included in the sample (e.g., picking every 10th name). 一种概率抽样.以一定的间隔来从人口名单中抽取所需的样本(如:每隔10个人抽取一次).
A kind of quantitive weighing method for marine product was introduced. The working principle and control principle was introduced was introduced and the software designing flow was analyzed. 摘要介绍了一种海产品定量称量方法,阐述了该方法的工作原理及控制原理,并简单分析了软件设计流程。
A kind of sample in which every member of the population does not have a known probability of selection into the sample. 一种抽样方法.即人口中的每个个体被选为样本的概率不同.见方便抽样,有目的抽样,和定额抽样.
A kind of self-compacting concrete that is fit for textile reinforced concrete(TRC, for short) was studied in this paper. 摘要配置了一种适用于纤维编织网增强混凝土结构的自密实混凝土,对其进行了自密实能力和力学性能的试验。
A kind of smart water level detection system is designed by adopting the design plan of smart water level sensor and transmitter composed ADμC812 MCU. 摘要采用由单片机ADμC812组成的智能水位传感器与变送器设计方案,设计了智能水位检测系统。
A kind of stainless steel flux-cored wire has been successfully developed , based on acid slag type system,by adding a bit of oxides and trace of deoxidizer ,adjusting the fluidity of melting slag to increase shielding of the back weld. 在酸性渣系的基础上,通过添加少量氧化物,调整熔渣的流动性,并加入微量的强脱氧剂,以增强背面焊缝的保护,研制成功一种背面不充氩的不锈钢打底单面焊双面成形专用药芯焊丝。
A kind of type that series of SMC products are whorl joining type radio frequency joining device, it is reliable that it is small, light, joins, Ant-vibration performance is easy to wait until the characteristic, support the radio to join the coaxial cabl SMC系列产品是一种小型螺纹连接式射频连接器,它具有体积小、重量轻、连接可靠,抗振性能好等特点,供无线电设备和仪器中连接射频同轴电缆用。
A kind of ultra-rapid cooling experimental system for small sample was designed and developed. 摘要研制了一种用于小样品在低温冷却介质中实现超快速冷却的实验台。
A kind of writing that holds up to ridicule or contempt the weakness and wrongdoings of individuals, institutions or humanity in general. 讽刺:一种讽刺个人,习俗或人性中的缺点或错误的文体。
A kind word brings hope to the disadvantaged. A little light brings safety to night travelers. 一句良言,能为失望的人带来重生的希望;一丝灯光,能为夜行的人带来行路的安全。

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