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On the loopy side there is Japan, where local governments are subsidising speed dating to help time-poor office workers find spouses.

On the line to VOA from his office in Sri Lanka, the captain describes the beginning of what became a more than three-month odyssey. 在斯里兰卡的办公室里,他通过网络接受了VOA的采访。采访中,船长描述了长达三个多月的冒险旅程。
On the lionYi, in Mei Jiawu, the cloud roosts nearby, the tiger runs nearby thespring, in Man Juelong, the spirit hides around the temple, ninebrooks 18 gorges coasts, green jade hillock fluctuation, green tree Dance . 在狮峰山上,梅家坞里,云栖道旁,虎跑泉边,满觉陇中,灵隐寺周围,九溪十八涧沿岸,翠岗起伏,绿树婆娑。
On the list of the most respected global companies 2002 issued by the Financial Times, Haier was placed 1st. 2003年1月,英国《金融时报》发布了2002年全球最受尊敬企业名单,海尔雄居中国最受尊敬企业第一名。
On the list there were eight repertoires whose forms were various, such as chorus, drama ,dance and songs . 这次表演共有八个节目,分别来自八个班级,有戏剧、有歌舞,有的真挚感人,有的诙谐幽默,所有的表演都有一个共同的话题--------爱。
On the long black benches lay several supercilious, fashionable striplings who were making loud snores and mumbling something incomprehensible in their sleep, one of them even dangling one foot over the other, his huge bellbottom trouser legs looking as i 大厅里那十几张黑色的长条椅上,躺着一些霸道的时髦青年,他们打着响亮的呼噜,说着夹缠不清的梦话,有一个在睡梦中还高高地跷着二郎腿,大喇叭口的裤管像用铁皮剪成的一样。
On the loopy side there is Japan, where local governments are subsidising speed dating to help time-poor office workers find spouses. 不理智的事例有日本,在那里,地方政府正为速配提供津贴,以便帮助缺少时间的办公室工作人员找到配偶。
On the lower screen, a collection of scenes are shown to titillate viewers' curiosity. 这屏幕的下方,多幅的画面似乎有诱惑着买家的好奇心。
On the magic plains, even the common man can cast spells like the greatest wizard. 在魔法平原上,普通人也能像最伟大的法师一样施法。
On the main road the ear began to open up. 到了大路上,车开始加速。
On the management side, lead by example and convince honest with people,and 12 by the word customer satisfaction as the goal,Road users process isthe reverse way of thinking management to create a good thriving business atmosphere, One quality fight card, 在管理方面,“以身作则、以理服人、以诚待人”十二字经和“以顾客满意度为目标”、“下道工序就是用户”的逆向管理思维方式创造出企业蒸蒸日上的良好氛围,“巧打质量牌”换来了美源鞋业质量管理水平的日蒸提高。
On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。

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