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Kuhn F,Mester V,Morris R.Serious eye injuries caused by blunt object contusion[ J ].Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,2002,43(12):4492.

Kudrow gets fed up with being considered in real life to be as dippy as her on-screen character, Phoebe. People talk slower to me, as if I were a ten year old, she reveals. 库卓对人们将生活中的她和她扮演的菲比看作一样昏头昏脑感到厌烦,她披露说:“人们总是慢慢和我说话,好像我只是一个十岁大的孩子。”
Kudrow graduated from exclusive American college Vassar, where she gained a major in biology. 库卓毕业于贵族大学瓦瑟学院,主修科目是生物学。
Kudrow started her showbiz career at Groundlings, a local improvisational comedy school in LA. 库卓从洛杉矶的一个地方性即兴喜剧学校开始了自己的演艺生涯。
Kudrow used to date American talk show host Conan O∝Brian. 库卓曾经和美国脱口秀主持人柯南·奥布里恩约会。
Kue: she is cardboard as u can see. 你可以看到她只是一个纸板。
Kuhn F,Mester V,Morris R.Serious eye injuries caused by blunt object contusion[ J ].Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,2002,43(12):4492. 赖铭莹,王宁利,叶天才.超声生物显微镜在眼前段钝挫伤中初步应用[J].中国实用眼科杂志,1998,16(7):408-410.
Kuhn, Thomas. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962. 汤玛斯.孔恩,《科学革命的结构》,芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社。
Kukoc said he had a 7 handicap in golf and was looking forward to spending time working on his game. 库科奇过去说过他打高尔夫有7个障碍并且盼望着能花时间在他的比赛上。
Kumar Y,Qunibi M,Neal T J,et al. Time to positivity of neonatal blood cultures[J]. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed,2001Nov,85(3) : F182-186. 陆中权,张信良,林忠东,等.早期诊断极低出生体重儿细菌性感染的实验室指标评价[J].中华儿科杂志,2002,40:686-688.
Kumi Takagi, 40, was initially reluctant to take morphine. Her breast cancer has spread to her spine and pelvis, and she has endured surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. 现年40岁的高木久美刚开始也不愿意打吗啡。她的乳癌细胞已扩散到脊椎与骨盆,她已经忍受了手术、化学与放射疗法。
Kumiko is kind of a zippy girl, isn't she? 久美子是有点儿活泼的女孩,不是吗?

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