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A minor scratch or abrasion.

A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador. 特命全权公使派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使
A ministry okesman said officials are trying to determine whether it is the deadly H5N1strain of avian influenza. 农业部发言人说,有关方面正试图确定这些家禽是否是因感染致命的H5N1型病毒而死亡的。
A ministry spokesman said officials are trying to determine whether it is the deadly H5N1strain of avian influenza. 农业部发言人说,有关方面正试图确定这些家禽是否是因感染致命的H5N1型病毒而死亡的。
A minor error, such as a slip of the tongue, thought to reveal a subconscious motive. 动作倒错,失误动作一种如口误等被认为能揭示潜意识动机的小错误
A minor key, scale, or interval. 小调音、短音阶或短音程
A minor scratch or abrasion. 擦伤一个轻微的擦伤或磨损
A minor under the age of 10 shall be a person having no capacity for civil conduct and shall be represented in civil activities by his agent ad litem. 不满十周岁的未成年人是无民事行为能力人,由他的法定代理人代理民事活动。
A minor upset may take a couple of days to register as a headache or backache; a more vehement explosion of anger or hatred directed at someone could result in a terrible case of ulcers or colitis, because that emotion is pounding your body. 些微的烦躁也许会表现为几天的头痛或者背痛,而更激烈一些的情绪爆发,比如直接面向他人的愤怒或者仇恨,会导致严重的溃疡或者肠炎,因为这种情绪正在重创你的身体。
A minor water deficiency can lead to headaches, sleepiness, and moodiness, while prolonged dehydration can cause high blood pressure and other serious problems. 轻微的水分不足会导致头痛、嗜睡和情绪低落;而长期脱水则会造成高血压和其它严重问题。
A minor, also, must abstain from all civil employments. 未成年人也不得参与公务。
A minority of lawbreaking merchants have taken advantage of this to engage in deceitful practices which seriously infringe on the legal rights and interests of the consumers, constituting unfair competition towards legal operators, resulting in financial 少数不法商人借此进行欺诈活动,严重侵害消费者的合法权益,对守法经营者构成不正当竞争,也使大多数传销员蒙受了经济损失,引发了社会问题,扰乱了经济秩序。

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