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A lot of achievements in research and development show that the technological conditions for transition from the integrated methanol to the integrated ammonia process are essentially mature, and as long as the opportunity is seized to make a strategic dec

A lot has happened since my last dairy entry: my music book, “In the Name of Heroes”, a whole slew of awards ceremonies in Hong Kong, and new commercial for eyeglasses in Taiwan, and lots and lots of concert preparation. 在我的上一篇周记之后,真的发生了很多很多事情:我的音乐书、电影《拳神传说》、一堆香港的颁奖典礼、台湾的眼镜代言新广告、以及许许多多的演唱会准备工作。
A lot has happened since then. 从那以后,情况就有了很大的改变。
A lot has to be considered. 毫无疑问,有太多太多细节可以被考虑到了。
A lot of Cultists become addicted to drugs or absorbed by their chosen foci to the point that nothing else can get beyond it into their lives. 很多教徒有毒瘾或者过于专心于做一些事情以至于没有其他的精力。
A lot of FAM wet ball mills are in operation in power plants in China and worldwide. FAM公司生产的湿式球磨机系统已经在中国及世界各地的许多家电厂运行。
A lot of achievements in research and development show that the technological conditions for transition from the integrated methanol to the integrated ammonia process are essentially mature, and as long as the opportunity is seized to make a strategic dec 大量研发成果表明,从联醇向联氢工艺过渡的技术条件是基本成熟的,只要把握时机及时决策,中、小合成氨企业的产品结构调整将大有作为。
A lot of animal experiments and clinical trials have proven that strontium ranelate not only can prevent bone absorption but also promote hone formation. 大量的动物实验和临床试验研究表明雷奈酸锶是一种既具有抗骨吸收,又能促进骨形成的药物。
A lot of animals has died out. 许多鸟兽现已绝种。
A lot of bands from the 80’s have reformed in the past couple of years. Which band would you like to see reformed? 很多八零年代的乐团在近几年重聚,哪个乐团是你们希望再看他们重聚?
A lot of birds are extinct now. 许多鸟兽现已绝种。
A lot of bloggers keep their diaries with the view to improving their writing skills. 很多人写日志都是为了通过练习,提高写作能力。

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