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Such factors as the sense of shame, the negative impact from parents, low level of self-esteem, the interpersonal relation, diffidence and nervousness have great impact on their anxiety in social activity.

Such expose culture seems even more out of control when elections are 8) impending . 尤其每到选举,爆料行为就会更形猖獗。
Such expressions rather grate on me. 这种说法对我很刺耳。
Such exquisite bracelet beads shed Beautiful, from agate, giving the gentle, docile smooth, the colors are bright, clean generous, excellent wear touch up by the beautiful Miss glistening mosaic, pristine cleanliness, the thing moving! 此种碧光珠手链精美靓丽,取自玛瑙,质感柔弱,温顺光滑,色泽鲜艳,清净大方,佩戴起来手感极好,由晶莹亮丽的宝珠镶嵌,清纯洁净,婉转动人!
Such exteriors as clothing and hairstyle may fall out of fashion, but the interiors like honesty will never go out of style. 像衣着和发型这样外在的东西可能会过时,但像诚实这样的内在素质却永远不会过时。
Such facilities, in fact, “allow travelers to fill up on local information and take a break-physically and mentally. 这些设施,事实上,“能让游客了解当地的资讯,并让身体和精神得到片刻轻松。”
Such factors as the sense of shame, the negative impact from parents, low level of self-esteem, the interpersonal relation, diffidence and nervousness have great impact on their anxiety in social activity. 通过访谈发现羞耻感、父母消极教养方式、低自尊水平、朋辈关系、人格中的内向和神经质因素对社交焦虑有重要影响作用。
Such false apostles will introduce legalistic requirements outside of the Scriptures, and demand adherence. 这些假使徒会在圣经之外建立律法的规条并要求人遵守。
Such famous schools as Sino-Singaporean senior high , Shanghai university , Xinhe middle school ,etc. stand in great numbers, it is an ideal place that is suitable for living. 新中高级中学、上海大学、新和中学等名校林立,是一个适宜居住的理想之地。
Such fears would increase if the remaining barriers to migration were suddenly removed. 如果现有的人口流动限制被突然取消,这种担心还会增加。
Such features are seen in well-differentiated tumors (those that more closely mimic the cell of origin). 这些特征在高分化肿瘤中均可见(肿瘤细胞更接近来源组织的细胞)。
Such features as durability, convenience, and sound quality helped CDs outsell records by the end of the decade. 由于它保存久、方便、音质好,使得销售量创下了从未有过的高度。

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