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6 A: Is the production line fully automated?

5th, do not have to purchase the end product in the market which in the assembly line gets down, to has the Chinese type characteristic shop which the designer licenses to go, they not only have the unique lining, the good-fitting tailor, most importantly 不要在商场里购买流水线上下来的成品,到有设计师挂牌的中式特色小店去吧,他们不仅有独特的面料、合身的剪裁,最重要的是不会撞衫的创意设计。
5yrs or above in costing analysis and internal control experience. 5年以上大中型企业或外资企业成本核算、成本分析及内部控制工作经历。
6 6 A:Hello!I want to have a Peony Credit Card of your bank. 您好!我想办一张贵行的牡丹信用卡。
6 A copy of the EIA Report shall be kept in the Permit Holder's site representative's office and another copy shall be kept in the Contractor's office on site for reference. 许可证持有人工地代表的办事处须存放一份环境评估报告,而另一份则须存放于承建商的办事处,以供参阅。
6 A neat row of palms line the avenue leading to the Changi Airport. 通往樟宜机场的大道旁,排列著一行整齐的棕榈.
6 A: Is the production line fully automated? 生产线是全自动吗?
6 APSS is founded to operate solely as a nonprofit entity according to Nevada State and U.S.A. laws. 6按照美国和内华达州的法律,APSS是一个独立运作的非赢利的实体。
6 Acid and solvent storage cabinets need to be vented. These cabinets shall be connected directly to an exterior exhaust duct above the fume hood trim or balancing damper. 酸柜和溶剂柜根据情况需要有通风装置。可以直接连接到通风柜排气系统中去。
6 An oasis allows life to go on in a desert. 绿洲容许人们在沙漠里生活.
6 And the Lord God made a vine come up over Jonah to give him shade over his head. And Jonah was very glad because of the vine. 6耶和华神安排一棵蓖麻,使其发生高过约拿,影儿遮盖他的头,救他脱离苦楚;约拿因这棵蓖麻大大喜乐。
6 Ann has breakfast with Sally. They are sisters. 6安与莎莉一起吃早餐。他们是姊妹。

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