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The author of the paper observes that, formally, an indirect conditional sentence is characterized by a protasis and an indirect apodosis with a lack of a direct apodosis; semantically, there exists no contingency/dependency relationship between the prota

The author of more than 80 research articles on nutrition and energetics among contemporary and prehistoric populations, Leonard has studied indigenous agricultural groups in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru and traditional herding populations in central and sou 他到过厄瓜多、玻利维亚、秘鲁等地,研究土著农业民族,也到过西伯利亚中部与南部,研究传统游牧民族。
The author of the article is nameless. 该文章的作者是匿名的。
The author of the article picks out a few pat tag lines such asUnbelievable-but absolutely true! Nothing like it on any screen! A picture you will never forget! 文章的作者挑出几条他所钟爱的广告语,如:“难以置信-但千真成确!屏幕上绝无仅有的!一幅将永远留在你记忆中的画面!”
The author of the book shall be nameless. 该书的作者是匿名的。
The author of the guidebook is an architect by profession. 该手册的作者任职建筑师.
The author of the paper observes that, formally, an indirect conditional sentence is characterized by a protasis and an indirect apodosis with a lack of a direct apodosis; semantically, there exists no contingency/dependency relationship between the prota 本文作者提出,间接条件句的形式特征是只有前设句和间接论断句而没有直接论断句,其语义特征是在前设句和间接论断句之间不存在一般条件句所必需的依存关系。
The author of the paper supposed the ideas of the path innovations in the teaching files management in a university: to strengthen sense of responsibility for regularized management, to simulate sense of integration for systematic management; to promote s 新时期我国高校档案管理路径创新的思路是:增强责任意识,实现档案管理规范化;强化整合意识,实现档案管理系统化;增强服务意识,实现档案效用最大化;强化现代意识,推进档案管理现代化。
The author of the works, by means of direct parenthetical remarks, arrangement of fatal punishment for wicked figures and establishing positive images by words and actions, conveys his thought and notion. 作者一是通过自己的直接插话、二是通过安排命运对邪恶人物的惩罚、三是通过具体的言行树立正面人物形象等手法来传达自己的思想和观念。
The author of this article also delves into the possible double effects for management brought ablut by the establishment of an improved budget appropriantionsystem.One is thd shift of operational mechanism from micro-management to the strategic and targe 作者探讨研究了建立完善预算拨款制度可以产生双重管理效果,一是转变机关管理的职能,从微观事务性管理解脱出来,考虑一些战略性、方向性的重大问题;二是使研究单位的领导有更多的自主权,实现他们的改革目标。
The author of this article explores equivalence in a semiotic sense by using many examples in practice. 本文借用大量翻译实例来研究文本符号与其解释项之间对等的问题,旨在为翻译等值问题的研究开拓新的思路。
The author of this article had tried to reveal the close relations of the false preset of pragmatics with the structure of unconventional message, the misconceived intention of utterance, the shifting of sentence focus as well as existed phenomenon of the 本文作者从语篇信息流、话语意图、语句焦点和语用含糊的角度出发,通过具体例析,发现虚假语用预设与打破常规信息结构、误解话语意图,转移语句焦点和存在语用含糊现象有密切关系,并由此提出一些可行的交际语用策略。

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