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By formation of epoxy coating on n-dodecanethiol self-assembled monolayer on copper substrate, self-assembled monolayer was introduced between epoxy coating and copper electrode.

By forcing her to drink the honey ale, it was hoped that she could remain docile during her captivity. (新郎)逼着她喝蜂蜜浆,希望她在囚禁期间能保持温顺。
By forcing up the amount of information needed for the social system to cohere, and the speeds at which it must be exchanged, The Third Wave shatters the framework of obsolete, overloaded Second Wave info sphere and constructs a new one to take its place. 通过迫使整和社会体系所需的信息量上升,并提高其交易速度,第三次浪潮打破了第二次浪潮信息领域陈旧,超载的框架,构建了一个新的取而代之。
By forecasting the length of the elastic rope with linear regression anslysis, test vehicle's speed can be controlled acctrately. 用线性回归统计的方法预测橡皮绳拉伸长度,精确地控制了开环状态的试验车的碰撞速度。
By forerunner of technology, advanced equipment, excellent workmanship, adequate capital and rich experience on developing new products for clients, we will definitely open more market in the room door line through high quality and reliable credit. 企业以科技为先导,凭借先进的设备,精良的工艺,雄厚的资本和精尖的技术实力,为客户精心打造品种丰富,质量过硬和良好信誉的产品,在竞争激烈的室内行业里开创一片属于自己的市场。
By form of reserve assets:gold standard system, gold exchange standard system, credit standard system. 按储备资产的保有形式:金本位制度,金汇兑本位制度,信用本位制度。
By formation of epoxy coating on n-dodecanethiol self-assembled monolayer on copper substrate, self-assembled monolayer was introduced between epoxy coating and copper electrode. 通过在正十二硫醇自组装单层膜表面制备环氧树脂涂层的方法,在涂层/铜基体界面引入自组装界面层。
By frankly admitting he wasn't a brilliant player, he disarmed us all. 他坦率地承认自己并非高手, 让我们都放下心来.
By freeing introns from the need to splice themselves, the spliceosome would in effect have encouraged introns to proliferate, mutate and evolve. 剪接体的出现让插入子不再需要自行剪接,结果等于鼓励插入子增生、突变与演化。
By freezing their debts, the club will be more appetising for potential investors who can look to the future of a team that is battling for a Champions' League spot. 在帐户被冻结之后,俱乐部更加渴望能够拥有一个投资者为球队的未来负责,帮助球会赢得冠军联赛的资格。
By frequently calling upon their strengths, people can build up natural buffers against misfortune and negative emotions, he said. 他说,人们不断依靠自身的力量,就可以更自如地应付不幸和消极情绪。
By fully taking advantage of the Internet's interactivity, simultaneity and convenience, the Internet survey is rapidly developing in the direction of becoming a mainstream survey method. 网络调查充分利用了互联网的互动性、实时性、方便性,正迅速地向主流调查方式发展。

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